Chapter 54

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His movements stopped and Victoria braced herself for the worse as she let go of her tight grip and released herself from the hug.

She trained her gaze on the ground, her bottom lip quivering. Victoria held on to the railing as the staircase gave another jolt as it stayed in its new place.

She waited for something. Anything out of the boy's lips but she was given silence and she can hear her heart shattering slowly inside her.

"You don't have to say it back." She managed to say, her hands fiddling with the strap of her bag. "I just needed to tell you that." Victoria dared meeting his eyes which showed nothing but shock.

She felt the breath being knocked off her lungs. As if some invisible force punched her in the gut. She didn't visibly recoil but she wants to.

He doesn't feel the same way and the water works was about to make their appearance once more when Draco did the unexpected and pulled her to him. Their lips meeting in a passionate kiss and Victoria wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

"Merlin, I've spent days trying to figure out that feeling that's been bothering me, Victoria." He breathed out after the kiss they shared.

"It hurt here." He took her hand and placed it on his chest, their cheeks both flustered and they were breathless. But, Victoria didn't care about any of those. All that mattered was Draco's loving silver metallic orbs that were solely trained on her ocean blue ones.

"And I didn't quite understand why but it hurts so bad. So, I think. And I heard him here." His hold on her hand was still there as he had her fingers touch his temple.

"And I was scared. And it felt like when I was 6 again. He told me you'd leave me. And I that was what scared me the most." Victoria closed her eyes because the honesty in his were too much. She felt like she was drowning.

But, she opened them once more and met his gaze. She's going to be there for him. If that's the last thing she'll ever do.

Draco's voice was wavering but he did not falter. His eyes shone with a new found confidence because now he knew.

"And when you told me that you love me." His eyes lowered, along with their hands that were now intertwined, their foreheads touching. He took a deep breath as he remembered the way Victoria said those words. The way they left her thin pink beautiful lips and how they sounded more beautiful when they reached his ears.

Draco smiles softly and Victoria swears it was the most beautiful scene she had ever witnessed and if she could keep this moment in photograph, she would.

"Everything came together and the world lifted itself off my shoulders. And I knew then that it was love too." He breathes out, his eyes meeting hers.

Metallic silver with tiny specks of earthly green that always made her heart skip a million beats.

She felt it too.

The world lifting off her shoulders.

"V!" Both of them jumped in their places, Victoria wiping her eyes as Draco got hus handkerchief out for her. To which she giggled and thanked him. She cleared her throat before calling out.

"Yeah?" She says as she turned to Jullienne who was on another set of staircases.

"You've got a letter!"

The letter was peeking out of her bag and yet Victoria paid it no mind as she scribbled on her notes during History.

She felt relief and giddiness in the pit of her heart and she's not quite sure what to do with it.

She never felt something like this before.

Draco was seated beside her, a small smile plastered on his face and Victoria feels elated that she was the cause of that.

When the bell finally rang, she was quick to pack her things and sling her bag to her shoulder.

But, her actions were halted when Draco snatched her bag from her grasp and placed it on his' instead.

Her mouth hung agape because first off, she never expected Draco to do that. Not Draco, because she knew him and how he has others to do whatever he needs to be done for himself. If others can very well breath for him, then most likely someone would. Second, he's never the one to display affection in public. Well, both of them aren't --the most affectionate the two of them have been in public would be hugging. And that was just the other day.

But, to be fair. Their reconciliation earlier was in the middle of the Grand Staircases, one of the most public places in Hogwarts --surely, someone must have seen them.

So, when Draco intertwined their hands as he lead them to the Slytherin Common Rooms, Victoria could only shake her head and kiss him on the cheek.

To which made Draco blush madly, he had to bite his lips from smiling too big. He looked down at his small, adorable girlfriend and made sure to return the favour; kissed her on the forehead and grinned at her. His cheeks slowly returning to their colour, yet his heart still running miles per minute. Her reaction was immediate and she scrunched her nose as she tried to calm her racing heart.

"I love you." He says, making her redder than a tomato and cover her face with her other hand. Because, who wouldn't? She looked like she was burning with fever but, really she was just burning with love.

Draco laughed heartily at the girl, he wants to put her in his pocket, really. Instead, he took her hand that was covering her blushing face.

"Don't do that. I want to see how happy I can make you feel, love." He continued, knowing full well Victoria's going to end up clamming up because she's that shy and adorable and he wants to eat her. Well, maybe not eat her --just keep her in his chest pocket, just right where his heart beats wildly for her.


Aww, they're so mushy it's disgusting. LOL

I'm so bad at this, I'm genuinely sorry.

I hope you guys enjoyed this mushy filled chapter!!!

All the hugs and kisses,
MyS_WIB xx


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