Chapter 42

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Victoria almost choked on her pasta. The boy seated in front of her smiling so big.

Okay, that was a lie, she didn't almost choke on her pasta. She did choke on her pasta and Jullienne -bless her soul- was gently patting her back and handed her water.

"I'm sorry, what?" Victoria managed to ask after regaining her breath. The silence was awkward amongst her group or friends but Millard stood unfazed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Millard repeated and Victoria lost all cognitive thought after that.

And as if matters couldn't get any worse, Draco Malfoy heard all of it. Why wouldn't he? He's just sitting right beside Blaise, who's beside Victoria. Basically, Blaise is the only one in between them and he heard all of it and Victoria doesn't dare to look at his direction.

"Millard--" she started, trying to come up with a proper rejection speech that won't come out harsh for the poor lad, they were in the great hall after all, eating breakfast when Millard suddenly declared his affection for the girl.

She doesn't have the heart in her to humiliate him in front of so many people.

"I think, you should talk about it in private." Blaise cut her off, giving her a pointed look. Thank Merlin for Blaise Zabini, was all she could think as she worded her agreement to his statement.

Millard got up immediately and she could feel the blood rushing to her head because she can't handle confrontations, okay? And Millard seemed so ecstatic and freaked out at the same time, ready to get everything over with. She admired his bravery, maybe her hatred of confrontations was one of the reasons that the Sorting Hat leaned on having her placed in Slytherin.

With deep breaths, she got up and went ahead of Millard, wanting to get rid of all the unwanted eyes set on her.

She walked briskly to a corridor she knew to be empty, waiting for Millard to arrive.

She was in the middle of still trying to come up with a proper apology.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Those bloody five words made Draco feel feelings and he doesn't like them one bit.

On one side, he feels like slapping that Mill-something guy with his plate full of mashed potatoes -he wants to go with the knife on his hand but he'll most likely end up in Azkaban for it.

While on the other side of his feelings spectrum, he wants to smack himself in the face with the same plate because why hadn't he asked of that before?

It would have made so much sense and they would have avoided this situation easily.

But, no. Draco had to be an absolute coward again and delayed asking the question.

And now, Victoria is with that Mill-looking guy somewhere within the castle. Just the two of them.

What if she says yes just because Draco was such an idiot for not asking her right after the kiss?

Holy shit.

Draco is panicking because he just told her that he wants to treat her better and she doesn't deserve that. She could have been confused why he hadn't ask her to be his girlfriend yet.

She must have been having some doubts, what with Draco only trying to be affectionate with her when no one can notice.

Draco's panicking so much inside that he doesn't notice the world around him and when Blaise asked him a question he only continued playing with his food, furrowed eyebrows and clouded vision indicating he's thinking.

And when the voices in his head that's been mocking him got too much for Draco to handle, he got up; muttered a most likely lame excuse and left for History.

Victoria hadn't seen Draco the entire day and she wondered if they're back to what they used to, way before Draco proposed to make things better with her.

The slight pang in her heart grew when she was able to find Draco in the common room with Pansy Parkinson and his minions during a free period, their eyes finding each other.

They continued to look into each other's gazes, trying to understand what's going on the other's mind. Draco was the first one to break the contact and pretended he hadn't seen her.

And Victoria wants to pull her hair off her head because she just wants to have his hands on her hair, his attention solely on her, and his lips on hers.

The frustration and anger was radiating off her as she glared her way to her dormitory, he didn't even gave her a time to talk about what happened earlier! She angrily slammed the door behind her and the tension in the room gradually decreased every second she was off it.

Everyone got back to their business not minding the fourth year witch that emanated power, Draco, however couldn't help the feeling of self-hatred because he knows he just made matters worse.

"They finally did it." Julian said after a couple of minutes spent in silence.

Victoria turned to look at him, tears threatening to fall down her face.

"They did?" She asked still not believing the words coming out of her brother's mouth.

He nodded grimly and she couldn't help the flow, streaming down her face. She tried wiping them off but to no avail.

"Mama's going to America." He adds, his eyes trained on the woods ahead of them, they were seated underneath a large willow tree by the lake.

She sniffed.

"And that's it? Not even a goodbye to us? Will she be there permanently?" She asked, still trying to wrap her head around the situation. Julian looked at her little sister, his heartbreaking more. He doesn't want to be the one to break the news to her but his father asked.

He couldn't say no, he needs to be strong for his sister and his father.

Draco woke up the next day determined to mend things with Victoria and hopefully become her boyfriend because, he spent the entirety of last night tossing and turning on his bed.

His mind was over thinking things again and he wants to man up and shut all those pessimistic thoughts.

He told her he wants to make things better and he's going to exactly do that.

He got ready for the day and before he knew it, he was already on the common room waiting for Victoria to come out and have breakfast.

But when Jullienne and Thunder was about to leave, Victoria was nowhere in sight. He caught up to them asking of her whereabouts but the two were clueless. Her bed was already made when Jullienne woke up.


Eyyy, another update. Hoorah.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I had a bit of trouble writing this one because I was also editing the other previous chapters.

Stay safe.

Stay awesome.

Stay hydrated.

Eat your vegetables.

Treat Yourself With Kidness.

Treat People With Kindness.

I love you, all.

All the hugs and kisses,


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