Chapter 14

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"How's the first day, Preston?" Victoria jumped from her seat, she didn't expect for Draco to take the vacant one next to hers.

"Merlin's beard, almost killed me." She muttered, going back to looking for her quill in her rucksack.

"Fine, until you decided to take the seat beside mine." She jokingly replied, Draco rolled his eyes as he set down his transfiguration book.

"I'd say it became better when I decided to take the seat beside yours." The cheeky reply made her shake her head, although the small smile on her face says otherwise.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Draco."

"You alright?" Victoria's familiar voice made Draco jump from his seat by the courtyard.

"'Course, why wouldn't I be?" But the girl knows him full well with the look she gave him and he can't help the sad pout that made its way to his youthful features.

"Father wrote to me." He muttered, looking down to his slender fingers fidgeting with the hem of his sleeves.

"You don't exactly have to do what he tells you, you know? He's not here at Hogwarts, Dray. He can't do anything whilst you're here." She reasoned out, the comfort in her voice making Draco want to cry out but Malfoys don't cry. His father made sure it got through him. The boy sucked in a deep breath.

"I really don't have a say in anything, you know? We both know we'll never make it out alive if we keep on fighting against the current." His words caught her off-guard because it is true but, Victoria prides in herself of making her own path if the one she's on doesn't work at all.

"Gryffindor's not bad." Victoria shrugged, Draco could see it at the corner's of his eyes. He knows what she's doing and he shook his head, not wanting to continue with her charade.

"I know what you're doing, Vi. That's not happening."

"I'm not doing anything at all, Draco. Just stating facts." She tried to stop the smile slowly creeping in her face.

"If you think I'll change my mind about them, no. They're still a group of hard-headed, pricks to me." Victoria can only shake her head because he just described himself towards them.

"Why did you have to do that?!" She never raised her voice with him. Never was she angry with him before either.

Draco can feel her slowly slipping away from him. And its that Potter's fault.

"What did they ever do to you, Draco?" She was pissed after seeing Draco verbally abuse her Gryffindor friends.

He rolled his eyes at her words, he can't believe that she can't see what they're doing to her.

"You're starting to sound like them. They're doing you no good, Victoria."

"Shut up! You're the one who has been doing nothing good! If you can't tolerate them around you, can't you just keep your mouth shut? Do you really have to go and ruin every single Gryffindor you see on site?!" She's raising her voice and Draco doesn't like it at all. She was choosing them over him!

"You're even raising your voice. That's not you. They're rubbing in on you and you're just letting them. My father was right, you're too soft. Just like your father." The last sentence wasn't supposed to come out of his lips but it did and there's no turning back from it now. Draco mustered up all his anger, not wanting Victoria to see how he wants to take everything back and go back to playing their chess game. Victoria secretly loves to play chess with him, she tells him otherwise but does the opposite of what she says every time he challenges her. It's what they do, it's what they always do when it was just Draco and Victoria.

But, now, even getting the chance to talk her was slim.

The look that she gave him made it evident that she heard the last sentence loud and clear. Draco feels a little bit guilty but he's too stubborn to let it show.

"You don't mean that."

"I do and maybe, he's right of saying that I should stay away from you too. You're just like your father and those Weasleys, a shame to the wizarding community. Traitors." Draco spat, standing up abruptly causing the chess pieces to scatter around the flimsy table of Draco's dormitory.

The girl's glare hardened at him and she got up, picked up her bag and headed straight for the door, hair covering her face. She refuses to let the boy see the tears threatening to spill.

Without another word (she was certain that if she even tried to open her mouth, sobs wouldn't escape her lips), she slammed the door shut; leaving Draco alone with his angry thoughts and guilty heart.

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