Chapter 5

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C H A P T E R  5

Dizzy. Victoria feels dizzy and she wants to just sit down by the cobblestoned pavement and, try to calm the want to hurl up all the food she ate for breakfast at the side of the walkway.

She always hated travelling via floo, reminded her of her experience at that muggle ride she went to with Christina -what did they call it? A roller toaster?- whatever the name of that damned thing was she never liked it. She hates it with a burning passion just like how she hates travelling via floo.

Not giving herself another second to recover, she got off the fireplace not wanting to have any accidents with any incoming witch or wizard that used the same mode of transportation as she did.

Unfortunately, she didn't notice anyone coming as she stumbled into someone, the both of them falling down into the pavement.

She cursed her idiocy in silence.

"Missed me already, Preston?" The familiar voice of Draco Malfoy made her look up and into his steely-grey eyes. She always found his eyes beautiful to look at.

"Nah, I'm actually going to buy something to help me get rid of you." She said, standing up and brushing off her robes. Draco chuckled and followed her actions.

"Ahh, if it isn't little miss Preston." The familiar drawl of Lucius Malfoy made her snap her head towards the direction to see the owner clad in his signature clothings and that walking stick he always has, his pin straight blond hair at the back of his shoulders.

Victoria tilted her head downwards as a sort of acknowledgement of the older wizard's presence just like how her mother had taught her.

As if on cue, she felt her mother's presence behind her.

"Lucius, I see you've accompanied young Draco to buy his supplies." And after that sentence, Victoria completely blocked out everything they were saying and just studied the world around her. She didn't even notice Draco stepping beside her.

"Hey, you alright there?" He whispered startling her out of her own world and turning her head towards the boy.

She beamed at him and nodded.

"Come along now, Victoria." At her mother's words, she looked at Draco and waved at him before following the woman's lead.

They were about to go to Ollivanders' when they bumped into Julian who totally didn't expect the two out in Diagon Alley today.

"Julian Anthony Preston!" Her mother whisper-shouted at him and grabbing him by the side of his robes, making sure to pinch his side. She heard her brother hiss in pain.

Their mother brought them to a vacant corner and glared at her brother.

"Where have you been, young man?!" Her mother was as red as a tomato right now, Victoria feels bad about her older brother.

Julian merely looked down in shame.

Margarett Allison Kendricks-Preston is not the woman you ever want to cross.

"We shall talk about your behaviour at the manor later." She simply said, eyes still scrutinizing her son making him squirm under her gaze. She still looked absolute livid.

Their mother composed herself and by that meaning she tried to look as dominant and powerful and snobby as possible before turning on her heels and walking ahead, her children following her like day-old chicks following their mother hen.

Her mother left her and her brother at the wand shop, saying that she needs to buy something and leaving her with money to pay for her wand.

She got inside and out of the August air, her older brother following suit and just hung by the foyer.

Victoria strolled in deeper within the shop only to be greeted by a man in his late 70's.

"Ah, finally." The man, whom Victoria assumed to be the owner of the shop smiled at her.

"I was waiting for the last Preston to come and visit." Victoria looked at the man in confusion as he sifted through shelves of what she thinks are boxes for wands. She decide to not comment on it.

The man pulled a box out from the dusty shelves and took a wand out. He looked at Victoria with scrutiny then back at the wand.

With a nod to himself, he handed the item to Victoria who waved it causing all of the things on the counter to fall.

"Oops." She muttered, putting the destructive object down.

The man furrowed his eyebrows, turned to look at another set of shelves for another wand.

Pulling another one out, he handed the wand to Victoria but before she could even give it a wave she felt an immense flow of power surging through her and the man must've felt it too because he muttered something too quiet for her to hear.

She looked at the man with curiosity and was about to ask what it was he said when the bell on the door signalled another person's arrival.

"That would be 4 galleons." The old man said, still eyeing her with such scrutiny.

Victoria paid him with the money and thanked him before turning hurriedly to leave the shop.

She and her brother met their mother outside where she gave Victoria a present.

An elegant looking owl, Victoria never thought an owl could look as elegant as it was but it did and she immediately fell in love with the soft pure white thing.

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