Chapter 62

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C H A P T E R 6 2

The third task arrived without her expecting it. She completely forgot about the competition despite the constant visual reminders, embodied by actual students from the other schools. Millard has been avoiding her completely ever since his sudden outburst during their meal in the great hall months ago.

She did ask Thunder if Millard was mad at her but, according to him his cousin is just 'mending a broken heart' and she feels slightly guilty for leading him on without even intending to. It was like with Harry but different because Harry was able to see who Victoria really is and he moved on without any hatred towards her --Millard never really saw her interacting with others seeing that they rarely see each other, most likely the reason why he thought she saw him more than a friend.

Everyone was gathered on what used to be the Quidditch Pitch, the boys were flabbergasted with the scene that greeted them because for where the clean cut field used to be, tall grass hedges that extend to the fog that seemed to have covered the pitch as if a canopy.

The noise was just loud that Thunder had to shout over his shoulder as he led his friends through the crowd. Victoria feels a bit suffocated what with the tight space between bodies trying to make it to the front row seats, she tugged on Draco's hand that was holding tightly to hers.

He turned his head, steely-grey eyes meeting ocean blue ones. His face showing worry towards the girl. Victoria gestured for him to come closer so that she could whisper her words in his ear amidst the chatter and the loud band playing.

"I need to go to the comfort room, save a spot for me?" She said, opting to use a normal voice and distancing her mouth from his ear. She doubts he would hear her words if she whispered.

His eyebrows furrowed and looked at her with a frown on his face.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" She shook her head, no with a silly smile on her face.

"You" she pointed to his chest "want to go to the toilet with me?"

His cheeks flushed a deep red, shaking his head.

"No!-- I mean, --" she chuckled, shaking her head at him. Really, Draco is so adorable sometimes.

"I was just kidding with you, love." She patted his cheek, the flustered look on his face now gone replaced with a frown.

"I hate you."

"Oh, hush. I know you don't." She smiled cheekily at him, pecking his lips once --or maybe twice, okay, three times for good measure. What? You couldn't blame her if she couldn't get enough of her boyfriend, I know I wouldn't.

Draco reluctantly let go of her hand as she made her way through the crowd and to the hallway they came from. With a frown, he watched her retreating figure until she made it inside the hallway and out of his sight before he made a move to look for either Blaise or Crabbe and Goyle who seemed to have taken seats already.

Victoria hurriedly made her way to the public bathrooms in the hallway when she caught glimpse of Professor Moody enter a doorway. She shrugged it off and continued looking for the bathrooms.

"Had a good wee?" Victoria slapped her hand on her forehead at Jullienne's comment after her short trip to the bathroom.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I'm friends with you and Thunder." She whispered back to Jullienne, Draco who was sitting beside her casually slotting their hands together.

And nope, Victoria didn't internally squeal. She didn't even blush at all.

"Why are your cheeks flushed? Are you alright?" Jullienne asked her, hand feeling Victoria's forehead for fever.

"No, of course, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She shook her head, avoiding her friend's gaze. Draco clearly hearing their conversation and not even hiding that smug smile he has on.

"O-kay." Jullienne studied her for a good minute, eyes squinted as she tried to scrutinise what was happening to her friend. Victoria could only stare ahead, her right hand trying to release itself from Draco's hold.

Once her best friend's eyes were away from her, Victoria turned to glare at Draco who was trying not to show his shit-eating grin.

"I. Hate. You." She basically growled silently at him, as she tugged her hand away from his completely.

Draco's face fell and was quick to hug her affectionately. In front of their friends. In the middle of the whole fucking crowd where anyone and everyone could see them.

His hand was quick to run his hand on her hair as he repeatedly whispered, "I'm sorry, love" with matching light kisses on the top of her head. She just needed to bury her face on his neck because she can totally feel the blush slowly creeping up on her face. She would bet a thousand galleons her face is redder than a tomato and she wants to bite her fingers off because she couldn't even stay mad at Draco for so long. He seems to be very good at breaking her resolve.

"I fucking hate you but, at the same time you make my heart race a million yards per minute." She whispered to his neck, trying to be subtle with how she tries to sniff Draco's sweet yet masculine scent as much as she can. She's whipped, okay? Don't blame if you haven't had that feeling before.

"Are you okay, now?" He whispered, a few minutes in their position that has seem to be quite uncomfortable. Victoria hummed quietly on his neck, before leaning back a small pout on her face. She scrunched her nose at Draco's attempt of hiding his fond smile.

"I hate you." He chuckled, kissing her forehead fondly because why wouldn't he? He's got the most adorable girlfriend and he's not someone to not appreciate that. He spent the past three years wasting his time with this girl when they could have been the way they were back then; back when they were little children, relying on each other. Just him and Victoria against everything else.

He knows full well that it would take some time before she could trust him like she did when they were each other's confidences. It would take some time but, Draco would wait. He knows that things such as those take time and as far as he knows, they have a lot of time in their hands.

What the frick did I just write exactly?

I feel like my mind is in drugs when in reality I haven't even tried them lol.

Anyway, TYWK before TPWK.

Stay safe, wear your masks, prevention is better than cure.

All the hugs and kisses,
MyS_WIB xx


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