Chapter 35

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With the way that I'm stomping all the way to the Quidditch pitch, I would be shocked if I didn't leave any footprints on the grounds yet.

I still kept my glare on the back of that disgustingly, messy, dirty blond haired stick who's grinning ear-to-ear walking beside Victoria.

Unbelievably, my glare got more heated when he decided to walk closer than my liking and I just wanna brisk walk directly in between them and curse that foreigner's face to the moon and back.

I'm not jealous, okay? I just simply dislike aliens like him with an innocent friend of mine. Who knows what that invader could do to Victoria?

And yes, I called him invader because oh, hoh hoh. He just placed his arm on Victoria's shoulder and he's absolutely invading territory that isn't his.

This guy wants war? I'll give him war.

With very much subtlety, I took my wand out and whispered a  jinx that would make him trip on his feet every 5 steps or so I remembered.

I slipped my wand back into my coat pocket and stifled my laughter when the wizard I jinxed started tripping in his own without even as to any obstacle in his way.

Malfoy, 1. Alien, nil.


My eyes are still glued at the pair that is seated a couple of rows in front of us.

I hate that guy. With a burning passion. Should I put his hair on fire?

Nah, too dangerous. Might end up burning him alive.

Loud cheers erupted around me but I don't give a f u c k because that foreigner just hugged Victoria out of nowhere and I just want to disregard all the spells my brain is spitting right now and just jump on that buffoon and punch his face in repeatedly.

Malfoy, 1. Alien, 1.


I don't know how long exactly was I keeping my eyes on the two but everyone was starting to get up and leave.

I need to up the game.

I quickly made my towards Victoria with one thing in my mind. Winning.

I slipped in beside her and walked in her pace.

"Oh, hi." Victoria smiled at me and no, my stomach isn't feeling a bit queasy right now.

"Hello." I said nonchalantly, trying my best not to look at her.

"That was fun wasn't it?" Victoria says, her question directed to Millard.

"Yeah, it was. I believe we haven't met?" He looked at me, the girl in between us turning her head to my direction in question.

"No, we haven't. Draco Malfoy." I gave him a steely gaze. The oblivious boy lend his hand out to shake.

"I'm Millard Ashcroft. Thunder's cousin, I believe you know him? He's in Slytherin after all." He smiled, the nerve of this wizard.

I shook his hand, but not without putting a little bit of force in there to squeeze his hand making him wince. I simply smirked at him.

"Well, if you don't mind, Ashcroft. I'd like to talk to Victoria?" I asked, trying to not obviously spit out the venom in my words.

If he doesn't get the hint, I might just smack him in the face.

"Not at all." He says, smiling at me. I wanna knock all those teeth off with my bare hands.

"I'll see you around, love." The bastard kissed her hand and no, I didn't get a hold of my wand and whispered a little jinx as he made his way from us.

"He your boyfriend?" I gesture at the alien, playing nonchalant in asking.

She laughed and nope. It doesn't sound like music in my ears at all.

"Bloody hell, no. I don't see myself dating him. He's just a charmer." She says, looking up at me.

She's so small.

Would she mind if I keep her in my pocket?

"Well then, who do you see yourself dating?" Keep it cool, Malfoy.

Don't let her notice. Chill.

"I don't know. I don't really see myself dating anyone at this point in my life." Victoria says, I turn my head to return her gaze.

She looked down.


"But if someone asks you out, would you give them a chance?" We've made it at the front of the doors to the castle already.

"Maybe." She smiled, her bright blue eyes looking at me through those long lashes.

And nope, my heart didn't skip more than a thousand beats when she did so.


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