Chapter 40

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"Hey." Victoria turned to find the owner of the voice. She's trying her best not to smile so big at the blond who's smile is making her heart flutter.

"Hi." She replied, opting on staring at her shoes instead.

"You heading for Herbology?" Draco asked, smile still intact on his pretty face.

Victoria just nodded, not trusting her lips to move cause she might just end up grinning so big.

"Come on, then." Victoria looked up at the boy with wide eyes and Draco's trying with his best ability not to smack a kiss on her full lips in front of the many students walking around the corridor.

He just went for her hand instead, intertwining his with her own and leading her to the direction of the greenhouse.

"Do you have anything to do later this evening?" Draco asked her just as they made it out of the corridors and into the vast sea of grass that is the grounds of Hogwarts, heading to the direction of the greenhouse that stands a couple of yards away from them.

"No." She sneaked a glance at the taller boy beside her, his steely-grey eyes meeting her ocean blue ones.

He smiled at her and nope, she didn't squeal internally at all. Although, the red flush on her cheeks are pretty evident. No one has to know about the butterflies swarming in her tummy too.

"Well, I want to show you something. Do you think you can come with me?" He asked, slight hesitance was heard in his voice and Victoria just wants to coo at him and cuddle with him because he's just precious.

She needs help.

Draco is making her very mushy. Mushier than that avocado thingy Thunder eats.

"Yeah, as long as you're not going to bring me to my death, well then sure." She joked, her eyes twinkling with joy because that's just what happens when Draco Malfoy is being precious beside you; holding your hand as if you'll disappear the minute he let his guard down.

He chuckled and it was a beautiful sound to her ears and she doesn't mind hearing it all the time. The fact that she's the reason for his happiness also doesn't help her case of wanting to keep Draco in her pocket forever.

Although, he'd be pretty tall to fit in. Maybe, a rucksack would do.

"Are you and Draco together?"

"Hello to you too, Hermione." Victoria looked up from her book to Hermione Granger who took the vacant seat opposite her in the library.

"Just answer the question, V." The witch huffed, grabbing a book from her bag.

"No." Oh, how she wish they were though.

"Why the holding hands then? And the heart eyes?" The heat was quick to rush to Victoria's face, she buried herself back in the book she was reading in an attempt to hide it from Hermione's sight.


"I thought you hated him?" Harry's sudden appearance made both girl's jump in their seat.

"Have you been eavesdropping on our conversation?" Victoria straightened her posture and raised a brow at the boy.

"Harry, I told you I'll be the one to do the talking." Hermione said in between her clenched teeth, glaring at the him.

But Harry ignored their words and took the seat beside Hermione.

"You don't fancy him, do you?" Harry asked her, the tone in his voice was laced with venom.

And that ticked her off because so what if she likes him? Why does it matter? If they were really her friends they wouldn't hold her back from what she wants!

"So, what if I do?" She voiced, her tone equal to Harry's because she's tired of people dictating what she should do with her life.

"He's Malfoy! Have you forgotten that feud you had for three years? And--" before Harry could even continue with his rant, Victoria cut him off by slamming her book down at the table and standing up in quick motion.

"Yes, Harry! He's Malfoy and no, I haven't forgotten what he's done but I'm trying to forgive him and understand the roots of his actions! If you're really my friend you would trust me and my decisions and let me live my life the way I want it!" And maybe those words  weren't just for Harry but she was too mad to even stay in the same room as the two Gryffindors.

She snatched her book from the table, along with her bag and stomped out of that place before she could accidentally knock off all the books off their shelves.

The sudden tug on Victoria's sleeves made her turn around only to be greeted by a sight of a grinning Draco.

The scene made her smile softly.

"What is it?" She asked, giving her full attention to the boy in front of her. They're currently in the common rooms, both of them finished their dinner early and decided to head first whilst their friends enjoy the fine meal.

"Can we go now?" The light glowing of the light within the room gave the boy an ethereal look and she couldn't help but appreciate every inch of Draco's features. As if memorizing every inch of his face, she took her time.

Which made Draco adorably cock his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. She haven't answered his question yet.

"Do I have something on my face?" He asked, breaking her out of the trance she put herself in.

She shook her head, cheeks flushed red.

"No, what were you saying again?" She asked in embarrassment.

"Can we go?"

"Where exactly do we go?" She asked him, turning her body to face him in the couch they were currently sitting at.

"That, my dear, is a surprise." Draco winked, cheeky smile plastered on his boyish features.

"Well, let's go then." Victoria announced, standing up and brushing her hand through her hair.

"Let's." Draco replied, standing as well and straightening his clothes.

He was quick to intertwine their hands making Victoria flush like a tomato and he, himself, biting a shit-eating grin.


Aww, my babies are so ughhhhhhhh.

How are you all, you wonderfully, amazing, beautifully, gorgeous group of people?

I love you all.

Stay safe.

Stay awesome.

Stay cool.

Stay hydrated.

Drink your vitamins and meds.

Treat Yourself With Kindness.

Treat Everyone With Kindness.


All the love,

MyS_WIB xx


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