Chapter 67

691 19 4

C H A P T E R 6 7

The next time she wakes up, it was as if she hadn't had a relapse nor any pain induced evening. When Madam Pomfrey checked in on her, the older witch was shocked and worried with how quick her body recovered from whatever it was that happened last night.

Despite the head nurse's hesitance, Victoria was still discharged and was only told to continue her rest back at her dormitory but not before having her eat brunch.

It was already 2 in afternoon and the halls were completely empty. A very nice change to the usual crowded, noisy corridor that students from different years are found either looming around or hurrying to their destinations.

She made a turn for the dungeons when she came face to face with Luna Lovegood.

"Oh, hi!" Her soft, airy voice made Victoria smile.

"Hi, Luna." The girl was looking at her through a pair of weird looking spectacles.

"You have a lot of Nargles around your head." A lot of what now? Victoria had her eyebrows scrunched in confusion at the girl.

"What are Nar--" before she could finish her sentence someone was already calling out to the Ravenclaw from at the end of the hall where Victoria came from.

"Oh, that's Professor Sprout. I should get going, I'll see you around!" The Slytherin could only watch as Luna bounded down the hall, a light skip in her step.

What the fuck are Nargles?

Guess, she'll have to ask the peculiar girl sometime.

She continued her way towards the dungeons, mind filled with those visions she had whilst asleep.

Those images she tried to avoid but failed to do so.

Absentmindedly, her hand went to touch the bandages on the other arm. She couldn't remember what happened after she had a blackout. It never happened to her before even.

She's afraid it might happen again.

Funny how everything around her is just giving her anxiety. It was as if the world had decided to pick on her, she used to pride her self when she was younger how brave she was.

Dauntless was the word her father would use.

She supposed she changed a whole lot without even her noticing it.

Victoria was changed into pajamas, her body in autopilot as her mind continued to work out the dream.

That green flash of light. She's seen that before.

And with the realisation, she quickly got up from the bed, her blood running cold as she grabbed the quill left on her table.

She didn't even mind getting another parchment, Victoria just went and ripped an empty area of her Charms work and proceeded to write to her father.

The girl didn't even bother on keeping her handwriting legible, she just wrote as fast as she can and quickly got out of the dormitory -but, not without grabbing her wand and a coat to cover her pajamas.

She doubts she made her way that fast to the owlery as she did just now.

Victoria called out to her owl who dutifully made her way to her owner, landing the arm the girl had outstretched for her.

"I want you to send this to Papa the fastest you can, my love." She mumbled affectionately, not wanting to alarm the bird of her worries. The bird perched on a sill and held her leg out for Victoria to tie her message to which she did.

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