Chapter 7

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C H A P T E R 7

As she predicted the call came right after she was able to tie her sandals to her ankle.

She need not want to be told twice by the house elf so she yelled a "coming!" To the creature who left immediately after her response.

She shrugged her robe on and made haste to get to the hall before any of the guests arrive.

As Victoria had expected, her brother was already there in a navy blue suit and a cravat instead, the tie he usually use tuck in safely in his closet, most likely.

The parents are both by the hallway leading towards the foyer, both are dressed in new garb.

She quickly made her way towards them from the grand stair cases, her robe billowing behind her.

Hearing the soft pitter-patter of her sandals, her mother turned around to make sure that her outfit would suffice the event.

The furrow of her eyebrows was an indication of confusion, her daughter after all, wasn't wearing the dress she picked earlier this day. But it would suffice, at least, it wasn't the same kind of outfit she wore the other night.

Victoria is very grateful she didn't pick any of her pair of heels to wear tonight because she would be silently agonizing the consequences of those damned inventions.

She plastered yet another smile to her face as the Zabini's made their way inside the front door. Her mother instructed her once again to escort the young wizard with her to a separate room for the children to interact with.

That was their role every party and it's a very tiring work. Often times, Victoria would pretend to be ill for her to be excluded of such events but tonight was an exemption. She's well aware of her mother's patience running thin so she dare not make matters worse by skipping another party.

After leaving the kid in the room filled with young teenagers, Victoria once again made her way to the foyer where another kid will be waiting to be taken.

Before she could even catch her breath from the walk, the Malfoy's arrived, Draco who's hair styled always the same walking beside his mother.

She left the older ones do the talking while Draco slipped beside her.

"Can't believe I'm seeing you three times in a row now." Draco whispered to her, his head still kept high, eyes trained ahead.

"I know, I'm kind of getting sick of your face, now." Victoria joked, which made Draco fun because no, it wasn't funny.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He whispered back.

Once her mother had nodded her head, Victoria lead Draco to the room. This time she won't be coming back because they seem to be the last of the guests so she's very grateful for that.

"Oh, before I could forget." Draco called, she turned to him just as she was about to open the door.

The boy pulled out a box wrapped in silver wrapping paper and a green bow around it. Very Slytherin, she thought well aware of his family's house preference.

"What's that for?" She asked as he handed her the gift.

"It's your birthday tomorrow, right?" He says, shrugging nonchalantly.

And Victoria couldn't help but hug him because he remembered. She didn't even remembered her own birthday but she did.

"Woah, are you being soft on me now, Preston?"

The soft sniffling coming from Victoria made him freeze, he realized the present was more than just a gift for her.

Victoria was sitting on the couch as the others were mingling around the place. Some were playing indoor games, some casually talking, others were eating foods that on the table by the wall on the far left from her place on the couch.

She can see her brother reading the book that she thought she lost last week. So, he was the culprit, she thought grimly to herself making a mental note to confront him about it later.

The cheers of an audience made Victoria snap her attention to the small crowd of kids by the fireplace and in the center of it all was Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini and a board of Wizard's Chess in between them.

And by the looks of it, someone had already won; judging by the smug look on Draco's face, the winner would be him.

She simply shook her head as Draco continued to boast about his skill in the sport, it would be something you'd expect from him after all. However, when Draco called out for any other competitions no one dared to come.

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

"How about you, Preston?" Draco called out to her. She gave him a calculating look. Would it be worth it playing with the great pompous brat? Yeah, maybe she should. Just to give him a little bit of support as a friend.

"Nope." She smiled because she changed her mind. She don't want to burst Draco's bubble, if ever she played him there will only be one outcome and that would be Victoria winning over Draco. Not because she's flexing her talent in the game but because she was trained to win every single game she participates in. Her father told her it was a like a legacy passed from generations to generations.

But Draco doesn't want to give up and knows just the right buttons to press.

"Why? Are you scared you'll lose, Preston?" He smirked and Victoria only shook her head in amusement.

He wants a game? I'll give him a game.

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