Chapter 43

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"He was bad news and you already know that but you did it anyway."

"Can you not be like a jerk, Harry?" Hermione glares at her friend who simply shrugged.

Victoria simply rolled her eyes. Yeah, yeah, she already had this talk with Hermione when she first came to her. She doesn't want to go through the same thing with Harry again.

They were sitting on the courtyard, it was their free period and Victoria made sure that she won't be found by her Slytherin friends. Thus, sticking with the Gryffindors, the rivalry between two houses seems to be really useful for her after all.

"Draco is a proper dick. Why did you even bother?" Came Ron's sudden inquisition. The three of them turned to look at him oddly --after all he had been silent the entire time they discussed about it.

"Just because, Ron." She simply answered, skimming through her History of Magic notes.

The entire day was spent trying to blend in with the Gryffindors, even eating with them at the great hall.

She had been avoiding Draco like the plague, not that she's been keeping a lookout for him.

She needs to think with a clear mind, not wanting to let her emotions get the best of her.

And when she thought she already had evaded all of his attempts, Draco proved her wrong when he was able to corner her in the middle of her walk back to the Slytherin common rooms.

He had her arm in a tight grip and pulled her inside one of the rooms that aren't used within the castle. He muffled her attempt at screaming with his other hand, as he had her back against the wall and revealing himself; Victoria wants to punch him in the face yet at the same time she wants to pull him into a kiss.

She did neither, instead she bit on his fingers making him yelp in pain.

"What was that for?" He asked, cradling the bitten hand.

"For everything!" She almost whined, slapping her hands on any part of the boy's body she could reach.

"Woah! Calm, Victoria!" Hands were flailing everywhere as Draco tries to grab hers, wanting to talk to her without him getting any injury other than his bitten hand.

Once he was able to capture both hands and Victoria couldn't get out of his hold, she resulted to glaring at him, feeling helpless of the situation.

"I hate you." She says in defeat, Draco only smiled.

That beautiful sunshine smile of his that makes the corner of his eyes crease and his nose scrunch, she wants to bite him.

He chuckled and she swears it's the most beautiful sound she's heard today. She was tired of all the 'i told you so' statements everyone from Gryffindor keep telling her.

"The things you do to me, Victoria Preston." He breathes, eyes scanning her face. The want and need of memorising every detail rising in his chest.

He tucked a strand of auburn locks behind her hair. But he knows he couldn't get enough, he ran his hand on her head, smiling softly at her.

Without any warning he just says it, he didn't even realize that he did.

"Be my girlfriend?"

And if the word 'yes' hadn't come out of her pretty, soft, pink lips, he would have died with how much tears were leaving her eyes.

"Shh, shh, what's wrong?" He asked, wiping away the tracks left by tears. He leaned his forehead to hers, just wanting to feel whatever it is she is feeling. He feels like his heart is going to burst with adoration for this girl and he doesn't even care if it actually does.

"The things you do to me, Draco Malfoy." She sniffled, smiling at him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, hands running through her soft auburn hair. They were in their usual spot in the library, Victoria leaning her head on his shoulder as she played with his vacant hand.

"You do know that you can't keep doing that, right?" She says softly, not wanting to stir any unwanted emotion from her boyfriend. She couldn't help the butterflies fluttering in her stomach and smile from her face every time she refers to him as her boyfriend.

She moved away from him, her ocean blue eyes meeting his steely grey ones. He nodded, sincerity evident in his eyes. He grabbed a hold of her hands, holding them close to his chest.

"It was a mistake and I learned from it. I will make sure to confide everything to you, as your lover I'll make sure to do the same for you as well. No more running." He smiles at her. At times like this, Draco's words always gets her off guard. She was so used to the side of petty, childish Draco who wants nothing but to please his father.

She forgets that that was a total different person and the real Draco would never be like those things. The Draco she knew from her childhood was wise, he always has something to say to everything. The Draco she knew was soft, he always handled everything dear to him with utmost care. The Draco she knew never back down from what he believes in, he always stands to what he is taught. The Draco she knew is loving, and he always made sure to remind his loved ones of that every time.

But he's also only young, he is easily swayed into things he isn't, especially if influenced by the wrong people.

She hates Lucius Malfoy. She hates him with a burning passion. He doesn't deserve someone as precious as this boy sitting beside her.

And she swears to herself that she will be with him this time, she won't let him follow his father's footsteps because he is Draco Malfoy and he is his own person.

"Me too, Draco. Me too." She smiles softly at the boy and kissed him with so much tender and love and passion because that's what he deserves.


Aww, my babiessssssss. AAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭

I feel like a proper mum, watching her children grow up and just AAAHHHHHHH.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.




MyS_WIB xx


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