Chapter 55

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She almost forgot about the letter. Keyword: Almost. They were seated on their own safe haven in the library when the letter made its appearance once again, she was taking out her book for Defense Against the Dark Arts when it fell out of her bag. She didn't really notice it falling. Draco did.

"Isn't this the letter from earlier?" He asked, picking it up and handing it to her. With furrowed eyebrows, she accepted it and turned it over in her hand to see if there was an indication of sender. But, there was none.

"Yeah, I should read it later. Must be from Papa." She reasoned, although she knows fully well that it wasn't her father who sent it. It wasn't sealed with their family's sigil. It was that from her mother's.

And she's not quite sure what's inside it.

So, they continued with their work. Occasionally stopping, Draco can be a bit of a passionate boyfriend if he wants to and it seemed that he just wants to snog the hell out of his girl today.

"Draco." Victoria giggled, trying to move away from his hold.

Draco reluctantly let her go, but not before kissing her one last time. But, Draco won't be Draco if that kiss didn't include any tongue and exchanges of spit. And some hair tugging. And---

"Ehem." Their reactions were comical.

The tow of them were quick to push each other and Victoria may or may not have pushed him too much, because before she got hold of him, Draco was already falling backwards on his seat.

"Aargh!" He tried to hold unto anything but failed and he came down with hus chair --Victoria could only watch with wide eyes, her arm still outstretched on her attempt earlier to grab Draco.

"I would laugh and try to help you, Malfoy. If I didn't catch you snogging my little sister." Victoria's face visibly paled and she couldn't move a single joint in her body when she heard Julian spake those words.

Julian was looking for a reference book for his Ancient Runes homework when he got lost to the rarely visited section in the library. He rarely visits the library in his five years here in Hogwarts and the room can be really big so, it was natural for him to get lost. Besides, the only library he goes to is the one on the Astronomical Tower.

He didn't think that he'd find so many books with regards to Ancient Runes in this library --nor didn't he think that he's find his little sister lip-locked with Draco Malfoy.

He sat opposite the two, books laid on the table.

"So, when did you started exchanging spits with Malfoy?" Victoria felt like choking on air, but she didn't and she turned to look at her older brother with all the blood rushing to her face due to his question.

She could only open her mouth and close it again because she couldn't find her voice.

Draco scrambled to his seat, eyes widened and a shy blush on his face. He wasn't quite sure how to deal with the situation, his father never taught him about these things!

Julian looked at her with his eyebrows raised and seeing that she was too flustered to answer, he turned to the blond who was standing behind his chair who was looking at him with wide eyes.

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