Chapter 11

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"Do you have an older brother?" Ron asked, she looked at him and nodded.

"I just want to clear things up because my brothers could just be bluffing but are you really a descendant of the three founders?" The red head looked at her with hesitance.

"Of Hogwarts? Yeah, the entire lineage is in those three tapestries at home." She shrugged, she went back to her book after as the two boys continued with their conversation. This time, she wasn't listening in on them.

After the Persian's nap, it found a new way to spend its time on: scratching at the compartment door. Not wanting to be a nuisance to her co-passengers, Victoria got up and opened the door for the feline thinking that was what she wanted. And it was indeed, because when the door was opened just enough for the cat to pass through it had darted down the hallway.

She was about to close the door when an old woman who was pushing on a trolley beamed on her, Victoria opened the door wider for the two boys to see the contents of the trolley.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" The kindly woman asked, Victoria turned to look at the others, waiting for their response.

"No, thanks. I'm all set." Ron said with a forced smile, a pack of what Victoria believes to be bread in hand.

She moved her gaze to Harry who locked eyes with her and proceeded to dig through his pockets.

"We'll take the lot."

Hermione Granger either wants to become a prefect in the future so bad or just a proper nice show-off. Because, she actually went through several cars on this train looking for a toad that wasn't even hers.

And now, she's seated in their compartment, wand out and pointed towards Harry's glasses. She just had to show off her skills when she saw Ronald brandishing his wand, who also wanted to show Victoria and Harry a spell his older brothers taught him.

Too bad for him it wasn't a real spell and now he's nursing a wounded pride and red ears, as Hermione successfully repairs Harry's glasses.

"Holy cricket. You're Harry Potter!" The witch announced, probably noticing the scar on his forehead.

Victoria always find it odd, how one person can look up to someone without even knowing them. She only knew of Harry Potter by hearing stories, told to them by their nanny when they were younger. Don't get her wrong, she is really intrigued with his story. But she never sees the point of worshipping his existence, everyone in the magical world does.

The introductions were said and it has been quite some time and Victoria realised, her cat hasn't come back.

So, she excused herself before Hermione could leave their compartment and followed down, what she remembers, the hall.

She's been knocking on to different compartments, people have asked if she needed help on looking (which she politely declined), yet her cat is no where to be found.

She was about to give up but reminded herself that Ginger was a gift from her father. So, she willed herself up and went to knock on another compartment before sliding the door open.

And there was her black Persian cat, perched on the lap of Draco Malfoy.

"Preston." He smirked, and Victoria rolled her eyes. It has become their customary greeting for some time now.

"Malfoy, I see you have what belongs to me." She nodded to her cat, the boy looked down, his hands playing with the cat's fur.

"This precious is yours? Never expected you for a cat person." He shrugged. The cat stirred from its nap, most likely smelling its owner. Victoria only shrugged.

"These are Crabbe and Goyle, by the way." Draco nodded at the two boys seated opposite him, both had remained silent the whole exchange.

Victoria was familiar with the other one, Goyle however, she had not the pleasure meeting.

"Yes, I've met Vincent once. Goyle however, Gregory Goyle, right? From Nottingham?" She asked, she vaguely remembers her father talking about the Goyle's from Nottingham but those could be another family.

The boy nodded and Victoria feels bad for thinking both boys are mute. She turned to Draco.

"If you don't mind, I would like to get my cat back." She says, holding her arms out for the feline. Draco gently brought the cat to his arms, mindful of its paws and giving it to Victoria who held it close to her chest.

"It was nice seeing you, but I shall have to take my leave. Goyle, a pleasure meeting you." She nodded to the boys, not forgetting her manners. She'd be damned if her mother hears from any of these boys' mothers that she wasn't behaving well. And they haven't arrived Hogwarts yet.

Hogwarts in the distance looked too beautiful. The lights peaking out of the glass windows creating an aura around the huge castle made it contrast against the already darkening sky.

Victoria looked at it in amazement, too entranced at the sight.

When the train finally came about to the station and when the castle was no where in view, Victoria was the first to make a move, grabbing her belongings and her cat.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She grinned at the two boys who were still awestruck with what they saw minutes ago.

"Let's go, boys."

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