Chapter 56

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They stayed in the library the entire time. And she told him everything. Except for that blood curse that has been looming the females in her lineage. He didn't need to know about that --yet.

By the end of the story she was supposed to be in the brink of tears, or well that's what she thought. But, it seemed that her body just gave up on crying. Although, it didn't stop on making her sad and releasing those words just made her want to itch at the almost fading scars on her wrist.

She stopped herself, however. Draco didn't know about that. And, she reckons there's no need for him to. Besides, she's been wanting to stop. She's done everything to keep her right hand away from her left wrist.

"I'm so sorry, love." He was hugging her, so tight but comforting. And she didn't even realise her tears falling, it was as if her body took control of itself and did the crying for her. She only noticed it when Draco was thumbing off the tears and she could only smile at him.

Isn't she supposed to feel relief after talking about it? Why does she feel empty? Why does it feel so heavy in her chest? It was as if she striped herself with that one secret she should have brought with her up to her grave. Is this what grief is supposed to feel like?

Victoria isn't quite sure what to make of it. But, she does know that her chest feels so heavy yet empty at the same time.

She didn't want to share her mother with anyone. She didn't want to give her over to death either. She wants her mama back, that caring, loving mama when she was 3 who was always there to catch her every time she falls.

He kissed her forehead, and kept rocking her in his arms as she wept quietly.

"It's alright, love. Everything's going to be alright."

But, she knew that it was just the beginning. Things will get harder from then on.

She was gasping for air when she woke up from the same dream she had nights ago.

She needs a glass of water.

She was about to turn to look for her wand underneath her pillow when she noticed that she was in a bed she couldn't remember sleeping in. And that scent, it was way too familiar for her to conclude where she is at that moment.

But, she couldn't be sure.

She was changed into her sleeping garb and she hopes that it was Jullienne who did that.

Victoria moved to get the duvet off her waist because she felt hot. But, somethimg was holding her back. And she could feel another pain searing through her head. She search blindly on her bed but to no avail.

She badly needs a glass of water and she's tempted to try conjuring one up without a wand. But, it's too advanced magic and she's not sure if she should continue with it knowing full well of her massive magic inside her tiny body.

But, she tried anyways.

And tried she did because not a minute later a glass could be heard shattering. She's pretty sure it was from her experimentation.

The bed stirred and she's well aware it wasn't her who made the movement and now she's scared shitless because who the hell is in the bed with her?

"Victoria?" Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

What in the name of Merlin is she doing in bed with Draco Malfoy?

Draco stirred in his sleep, he wasn't quite sure what woke him up but now his mind is wide awake and he knows Victoria was right beside him but not sleeping at all.

"Victoria?" He muttered, sleep still evident in his tone.

"What am I doing here?" Draco flushed red. He didn't mean to fall asleep on the bed, really.

He sat up and got his wand from the bedside table. He muttered lumos causing the tip of the object to light up.

"Sorry. You fell asleep on me and everyone else was on the great hall when we got back to the common room. I didn't know the password to your room and I reckon boys aren't allowed to the dormitories." He rambled, as he looked around for his slippers. He was sure it was just by the end of his bed.

"Okay, but you could have just woken me up, you know."

"I really couldn't find the heart to do that." Draco mumbled, fiddling with the sleeves of his robes.

"Why?" Victoria looked at him curiously.

"You were crying. And I know you've had a hard time sleeping. Blaise told me so, Jullienne noticed you've been having bad nights and that you've been lacking sleep --we all did, she didn't want to impose to you, she knows that you would tell us what was wrong eventually. It's just -- we're worried about you." He almost whispered the last part but Victoria heard him all the same and she felt her heart flutter.

She had the best people surrounding her and she didn't even realise that. She feels so stupid for keeping everything in.

"Who changed my clothes?" Well, that was an easy question that Draco could answer without being shy.

"Astoria did. She was about to head out when we got in the common room. She was happy to help, though she couldn't let you crash in her room --she said something about her roommate getting pissed at her more if she let you sleep there without her roommate's permission." Draco explained, he was sitting by the end of the bed. He could vaguely see Victoria nodding her head.

"Why are you in the bed with me, though?"

"You were whimpering in your sleep. I just couldn't help it, I needed to do something to help you in anyway --that doesn't include waking you up. Blaise said so."

"Blaise knows, I'm here?"

"Yeah, he came in late too. He didn't bother going to the hall for food. Said he was too tired to move his body and just slept after changing to his pajamas."


"You're not mad right?" Draco was scared that she might be mad at him. He was kind of panicking really because he thought she passed out on him back there at the library. Turns out she just fell asleep, judging by the soft snores coming out of her lips.


"Okay." He felt relieved but now he's not quite sure what to do.

He subconsciously bit on his bottom lip, something he does when he's stressed and thinking when someone spoke.

"Please don't make out in this room. I'm still here and have pity on my single ass."

Victoria giggled.


The end was random af.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to update. I'm in one of my moods where I just read fanfictions and play video games on my phone so I haven't been that productive lately.

I'm supposed to study in advance for grade 11 but whatevahhh. General Math is making my brain hurt.

Lemme know what you guys think and I swear I'll have another chapter up asap.

Stay safe, stay hydrated, drink your vitamins, wear your masks.

Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Treat yourself with kindness before treating people with kindness.

All the hugs and kisses,
MyS_WIB xx


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