Chapter 30

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Victoria woke up. She, of course, thought she was just gonna die of exhaustion and dehydration due to staying up last night, crying her heart out. She sighed in disappointment, because wouldn't that just be easy?

She had a mental breakdown before she could even get inside her quarters, how humiliating.

Victoria grabbed at her hair in frustration. She's supposed to feel nothing! She's already had her breakdown last night but why the hell does she still feel those mixed emotions that gnaws in her already empty soul?

She rubbed her eyes.

She just wants to stay in bed for the rest of the day and hopefully choke on her saliva then die.

Her left arm feels itchy. She wants to scratch it really bad. But after Thunder found out about her bad habit, she promised to him and to herself to never do it again.

She really wanted to do it again last night, but she's been clean for one whole month and even though it's just a small achievement, it's still an achievement -- Victoria shook her head smiling, remembering those words from her brother, he always had a way with things.

But her smile was quick to fall upon her face as she hears the shuffling of her roommate, Julliene prepares for another day of lessons making her groan internally, because no, she doesn't want to go to any of her classes, she feels like shit and just so many emotions inside her that she's shocked her magic didn't lash it all out around her.

Victoria believes she's gotten better at controlling her magic to avoid it from spilling to everything around her.

She hears the door click shut.

Julliene's left already and Victoria seems to be leaning towards the idea of staying in bed.

She closed her eyes opting for a quick nap.


Apparently, her supposed to be quick nap turned into a full on sleep.

She woke up around 4 in the afternoon with a grumbling stomach, since the last meal she's eaten was last night's supper and she wasn't even able to finish that.

Slipping into a fresh set of clothes, she went to the bathroom to freshen up. She washed her face and made an attempt on untangling her messed up hair (but the ends just won't budge, so she just put it up in a messy bun, she really couldn't care less anymore).

She made her way outside her quarters, scanning her eyes in the common room only seeing a couple of Slytherin students from different years.

Not knowing these people, she continued on her walk to get out of the common room to eat in the kitchen.

Upon reaching the set of staircase that would directly lead her to the secret passageway to the kitchens, Victoria's attention was called by someone.

"Victoria?" She turned her head around to the sound, only to see Draco Malfoy standing in all his handsome glory with his supposedly well-kept hair, disheveled, probably by the wind. His once dull grey eyes, are in full color making Victoria noticed that, no, it wasn't just grey, they've got a hint of light blue and woah, have they always been that beautiful?

Victoria shook her head, looked back at those beautiful orbs.

"Yeah?" She meant to sound like everything was alright, but her voice really had to fail her and it came out so soft and fragile and everything she doesn't want it to.

"Are you alright? You weren't in any of our classes." Draco looked genuinely concerned and she just couldn't handle it, she drifted her sight away from his eyes that seemed to be looking right into her chaotic mind.

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