Chapter 16

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The three got scolded by Professor McGonagall. Victoria got points from Snape.

She wasn't quite sure how to feel about that as she made her way towards the Slytherin common rooms.

"Vicky!" Jullienne called, Thunder and Blaise turning their heads to the door where Victoria came from.

"Where have you been?" Jullienne asked, both boys simply letting her do the talk.

"You won't believe what happened." She then proceeded to tell the story.

It was December and Victoria still did not have the courage to go and confront Draco.

She's been trying things to get his attention or to get him to talk to her. But her efforts were futile and the will in her us fading away.

If Draco doesn't want anything to do with her at all then, so be it.

The coldness of the winter air was felt within the castle walls, Victoria never had a winter as cold as this one.

Today was the last day of classes before holidays and she couldn't help being a bit down about that. She wanted to celebrate Christmas here with her friends but Thunder and Jullienne are going home as well. Besides, their parents want her and Julian home. They were attending this banquet the Malfoys will be hosting. Hopefully, Draco will be more attentive then.

Unfortunately, with the cold season also comes Victoria's weak immune system and she's not feeling well. Her head is throbbing and everything  aafeels warm and extra painful when they come contact with her skin. Worse, her nose is clogged yet snot would drip without her noticing so, she was always holding a tissue to her nose.

Being sick sucks and she hated the fact that it only happens during winter.

When they were finally released for their last class, Victoria couldn't wait to burrow in her bed in her shared dormitory with Jullienne and just sleep until the holidays are over.

She heaved her bag higher on her shoulder and walked through the hallway, most of the classes were dismissed earlier so there weren't many students in the halls.

As she was turning for the staircases that will lead for the infirmary, the pounding on her head unbelievably got worse and everything was just spinning in her vision. Victoria already knows what was about to happen thus, calling out for help with the most softest voice that ever came out of her mouth and everything went black.

Cedric Diggory just came out of the infirmary,

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