the jumper

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'hey guys!' Alix clapper her hands in front of her class
At once all the students turned towards her. 'im having a party this Saturday-that is tomorrow at my home! It will also have a sleepover and i want to invite all of you!'

There was a round of cheers, loudest one was from Kim 'yay!'

Marinette was excited too. Specially because adrien would be there too!
That is if his father lets him...

She talked to Alya for a few minutes, who was as excited as mari and then went to Chloe.

'do you think you'll come, chlo?'

'uh- parties- especially at such houses aren't really my thing...'

'come on Chloe, I promise it would be fun! I'll be there, and Adrien too...'

She looked at Alix for a moment. 'she wouldn't even like to have me, marinette.'

'ofcourse she would! You're not the same old Chloe, chlo! You are trying your best to change after all!'

'you think so?'

'i know so.' she smiled and Chloe nodded.

Marinette's pov

I waited for my kitty to show up as I looked up to the moonlight. Whoa! My kitty- that was random!

I really wished he would come.
And he did! A huge- no huge would be an understatement to tell about my smile! I was beaming when I took in his regular self.

I had let the window open for him today. So when he landed in the balcony-his perfect eyes met mine. 'i missed you kitty.' left my lips before I could even process what I was doing. I stiffened, blushing.

'i missed you too princess.' he said, no trace of humor.
It felt like we stared at each other for quite a few minutes before he cleared his throat and his usual flirty smirk flew back to his face. 'you were waiting for me!'

'silly chat -' I said and stood up. I couldn't tell him, afterall that I really was waiting for him!

'as I don't know about your birthday-which might even be today, I give you this, kitty.' I said and gave him the wrapped ladybug jumper.

'thankyou so much mari, but you really shouldn't have! It's too much for an ally cat...'

'not too much for MY ally cat.' I said, flirting and winked. His breath hitched.
'open it later!' I urged. I didn't want to see if he was disappointed...
'Whatever it will be, it would be perfect, I know this much. I would like it no matter I said yesterday noone has ever done such a thing for me mari- you-youre the only one. You made this for me with so much passion and you worked so hard- i love it already!' he spoke.

I found no words. I just smiled back and stood up. 'i hope you do like it.' I whispered and stared into his green eyes.
I could easily kiss him! Oh no! What am I thinking?!
Little did she know, Adrien, behind that mask too had the same painful thought. He wished he could bend down, scoop this girl- just perfect and so wonderful girl up in his arms and kiss her. He resisted and so did Mari. They turned and walked to the railing and stared at the bright full moon.

'isn't it beautiful?' I asked.

'yes, it is.' he replied, staring at the girl
Beside him.

'happy birthday chat noir. We will be forever in debt to you, for all that you do for us.' I whispered. Without chat noir I knew ladybug was nothing. On those multiple moments when he sacrificed himself...

He leaned in. For a second my heart stopped. I thought he's gonna kiss me. He came closer and closer and kissed my cheek. It was enough to have my world upside down. He whispered a few words in my ear. I was reeling a little too much to process what he said.

Later at night, I lay in my bed , finally understanding what he had whispered into my ears. 'i am forever debted to you marinette. I would always be. You make me feel special. As special and alive as ladybug does. You're the kindest being- and my very-very special person, mari. Your friends were right- you are our everyday ladybug- and my little bug for sure.'

Suddenly I wished I had done something bigger and better for him- something he deserves. But I knew he deserved the world, and it was far beyond my capacity to give.
Oh this boy! He was messing up with my mind. I sighed and rolled over, thinking about his pouty face when I mentioned about the sleepover- and that we wouldn't be able to meet.

Adrien's POV

It was official- Marinette has messed up with my mind- she's all I can think about.

I sat on the sofa and slowly unwrapped the gift. My eyes melted to tears. I grabbed it, and quickly put it on in front of my mirror. It was perfect. Miraculous. And so comfortable. It fit perfectly.
It reminded me of her- I was right. I loved this present.

Plagg flew over. 'ahh marinette's jumper!'

'isnt it amazing! It has ladybug print on it!' I gushed. I couldn't thank her enough.

'you know it is the hundreth time you said this kid.' he smirked. 'who do you like more? The jumper? Or its creator?'

'both.' I said almost immediately. I wouldn't be able to meet her as chat noir tomorrow. I thought, sadly.

'its only a matter of time before you start loving her.' plagg said and disappeared beneath his blankets. I threw a pillow at him. He laughed.

I suddenly rolled up my sweater. It must be here somewhere- I looked around and finally found it- Marinette's signature! I knew it would be there- she signs her designs for sure.
I slowly raked my hands over her name- and pressed my lips onto it.

Halloo! I love this slow romance- though I wish I could speed it up! wouldn't suit the characters of Marinette- or chat noir.
Hope you enjoy reading it!
Bug out! Oh don't- next chapter is soon!

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