love conquers all

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Adrien's POV

Many things happened since the day before yesterday, when I got to know about my father. My mother. My girlfriend (I can't believe I have one! and having marinette as my gf!)

This year taught me alot. Alot alot!

I combed my hairs out of my eyes and sprayed the Adrien perfume (mari says it's her favourite...)

I couldn't wait till the clock strikes an hour! My father had called marinette to our home, for the brunch. Oh I loved that girl!

Plagg, being plagg was lying on the sofa in front of the tv, eating his love. Cheese.

'you have been standing and blusing in front of that mirror for more than two hours Adrien!' plagg said loudly, making me blush even more.

'arent you excited to meet tikki?' I retorted loudly.

He looked at me with an amused expression. We both burst out laughing.

Nathalie was missing these days. Father tried to call her multiple times- but she is gone.

I didn't let it spoil my mood and quickly made my way down the stairs. Plagg didn't move from his position. I sighed and shook my head.

'father?' I called.

'i am here.' came a voice.

I entered the room he used to stay most of the time during the past years. He was staring at the big painting of my mother. I smiled and went to him and took his hand. We both stood overlooking her picture.

The bell rang and my princess came in. She looked so beautiful. So beautiful that I can't express. She had her hairs down for one! I can never get enough of her beauty.

My father was still inside so I quickly gave her a short kiss which left her (and me!) Panting for more.

I took her hand and led her to the dining table. I pulled one of the chairs for her and she sat down.

'how are you doing Marinette?' my father asked.

'your son keeps me going. As long as he's well, I'm doing great!' she answered, giggling.

He looked at her, amused, and I knew why. 'strange... that's what Adrien said to me. That as long as you're happy, he is great.'

We all laughed, with marinette blusing.

I had asked the cook to make us multiple things and asked for all Mari's favorite.

'kids, there is something I need you to know.' he said.

Marinette and I both looked at him, fully aware. 'Nathalie is the current owner of the peacock miraculous. And she has disappeared.'

'please don't say she took the miraculous with her!' marinette said

'im afraid that's what has happened.' he said slowly.

Oh no!

'its alright, father...I and milady will find a way and bring her back, along with the miraculous.'

Marinette beside me gave a soft but confident nod.

'i know son, you both are the best miraculous owners and a perfect team.'

' noir is the best partner.'

'so is ladybug.' i grinned.

when we were done eating, my father left us both to ourselves and all the control i've kept bursted as she entered my room.

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