frozer 2.0

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the next morning, Adrien wasn't in a mood to go to school. the only thing he wanted to do was to lie inside his blankets and hide from the world. that, obviously wasn't possible. he woke up, fed Plagg some cheese and met Nathalie. she gave him a schedule of what all he had to do today, and without smiling he nodded and grumpily sat in the car to go to school with his bodyguard.

'good morning students.' miss bustier said cheerfully.

'good morning,' the students chorused together.

'today, a new student will be joining us. Ace, come inside.'

Adrien's heart skipped a beat and so did Marinette's behind him. 

'he's from new York, and from now he will be in our class. please welcome him.'

'Ace!' Marinette shouted suddenly, Adrien's mood worsened.

he waved at her. 'do you know each other, Marinette?' miss bustier said. 

'we do.' ace answered and grinned. 

'Nino, Adrien, do you mind sitting at Marinette's and Alya's seat? Alya for these few days, please sit with Lila. Marinette and ace, you two sit together, since you already know each other. ace, Marinette will help you with anything you need.' 

adrien was left open mouthed. without a word, he and nino sat on mari's and alya's seat. 

'miss bustier!' shouted alya, 'can i please sit alone at the back?'

being the sweet teacher she was, she allowed alya to sit alone.

'dude you ok?' nino asked

'yes, ofcourse.' he shrugged 

'you seem distracted, that's all.'

by the lunch time, Adrien had, had enough. seeing Marinette right in front, with another boy was hitting him hard. 'hey Marinette!' he called suddenly, surprising even himself.

she looked back at him, smiling, 'I wanted some advice from you...if you are not busy during lunch...'

she looked at Ace. 'will it be okay if we shift our plans a bit?'

he forced a smile and nodded. she nodded at Adrien. he was guilty, but happy even. and now he could even ask Marinette some advice about Kagami. yes...purfect.

in the last few minutes before lunch, Mr. Damocles announced another news. tomorrow they'd be going for a picnic to the ice rink. 'you are allowed to take a partner with you.' he had said, and he was hoping to ask Marinette. 

Marinette sat next to Adrien on a bench. 'what is it?' she asked

'Kagami,' he sighed and Marinette's smile dimmed. 'Marinette-its...complicated.'

her heart still fluttered when she heard him say her name. 'try to tell me, I'm always here for you.' she murmured.

'i dont know how to tell her this...i don't think that i feel for her. i cant date her, i hate that everyone thinks that she and i are a...thing. its that I'm never ready for her- i know somehwere, that i would never be.' he stopped to take a breath. 'she's charming, beautiful even, and everything...but no. I cant.'

Marinette didn't know what to think, what to expect. for now she had a lot of questions. ' are ready.' she said, not looking up at him, 'I saw her kissing you.'

'kissing?'  he gasped, 'what are you talking about, Marinette!'

'i was just passing by Adrien...iwasntspyingonyouorsomething-imsorry!' she said this all at once, her skin a shade of red.

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