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'let's go home, Tikki.' Marinette smiled, and left Adrien back with Kagami.

she reached back home and went straight up her room. the first thing she did was to gloomily remove all the pictures she had of Adrien on her wall. 

'Marinette -are you sure about this?' Tikki said

'yes Tikki. its about the time i move on, though i must admit he would always-  always have a piece of my heart.'

Tikki flew over to her and with her small arms hugged Marinette's cheek. but she knew, Marinette had not moved on, not yet. yet she was proud of the fact she was trying.


back at his mansion, Adrien lay on his cozy bed facing the roof. Plagg flew nearby, munching on a piece of cheese. 

'still thinking about ladybug, ha?' 

Adrien looked at his kwami. 'I don't know Plagg- Ladybug thinks Kagami is my  girlfriend.'

'technically, she is your girlfriends.' said Plagg, 'you too always seem to be together. and that poor girl is obviously fond of you.'

'so much to make me feel better.' he replied and turned on his side. 


the next day, Marinette rushed through the streets at a high pace. she was late. again

as she reached the steps to her school, she noticed a black limousine pull up behind her. 

was Adrien late? or was she early? she thought. 

adrien stepped out, and waved to her. marinette seemed to have lost her breath. she stiffened and muttered out a hi, shyly. he came up to her. 

'shall we go?' he said as he noticed Marinette hadn't moved. 

'ye-yes!' she started walking again.

'Adrien?' she said and he looked into her bluebell eyes. for a moment her stomach had that giddy-giddy feeling, of butterflies and she seemed to be mesmerized. Adrien's voice brought her back. 

ugh ugh now he would think im so cringe and crazy she mentally slapped herself, wailing. 

'Marinette? are you ok?' he asked kindly. 

'yes- yes i am. i out spaced.' she said and banged her head again, 'spaced out.'

he smiled at her and they reached the classroom, she soon forgot about what she had to ask from him. 

'Adrien! Marinette!' miss bustier stood at the front of class, she seemed disappointed.

'where were you two?' she asked and lowered her gaze to see if they were holding hands. they weren't, but a blush covered both their faces.

'your father has strict rules, adrien, he wouldn't be pleased to hear you're late for the second time this week.'

he hung his head, 'will you tell him?'

Marinette, suddenly feeling Adrien's emotions said, 'miss bustier, it isn't Adrien's fault. it's all my fault. I had forgot to bring my homework while i started for school. i met him halfway and he reminded me of the assignment. and being the kind person he is, he volunteered to help me grab my work.' 

kind person, good job marinette. she thought sarcastically.

adrien suddenly looked at her, ready to interrupt, but Marinette stopped him with a gaze.

'well if that's the case,' their teacher said, 'you both may go back to your seats. Marinette, next time you wont be allowed to enter late.'

she nodded and breathed in relief and took her seat next to her best friend- alya, and behind adrien and nino.  

the class flew by with marinette staring at adrien's soft hairs and day dreaming. she sat upright as alya nugded her with  her elbow. adrien was looking at her intently. 

'thank you marinette.' he said and it could be seen he was really impressed. 'but i cant let your name be disgraced. ill tell miss bustier-'

she cut him off, 'she ended the topic right? lets just leave it to that.' she smiled and he couldn't help but smile too. the smile that always melted Marinette's heart.

'dude?' called Nino. 'how about we go out for a movie, tonight?'

'I would have to ask Natalie.' he said thoughtfully, 'I don't think my father would let me go.'

'oh he will! he allows you to go out with Kagami quite often.' said Nino

'hmm' he nodded, 'yes! maybe he will.'

'hey Nino!' Alya interrupted, 'forgot about your dudettes?'

'of course not. you and Marinette should join us.' 

Marinette screamed with joy and tackled her in a bear hug.

tonight's gonna be perfect. she would sit next to Adrien and as a scary scene will come she would squeal and launch herself into Adrien's lap. he would comfortably stroke her back until she calmed and then cuddling, they would resume their movie. then a romantic scene will come and Adrien would look into her eyes and say 'you're so cute Mari -I love you!'

'and then Kagami would come and she would pull him up, causing you to drop to the ground.' whispered Alya in her ears. 

Marinette snapped back to present. she blushed. 'you know me too well!'

the day passed by with no attacks at all. she hoped their wouldn't be an attack during night- and she would get to enjoy the movie with Adrien- no with her friends, and everything would be perfect. but of course, how could something in her life ever be normal...

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