a new boy

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Next morning Marinette reached to class early. She noticed Alya and Nino were not there yet. Chloe sat alone, probably waiting for Sabrina to show up.

There plans for movie was cancelled last night, due to the akuma attack. For some reason, Marinette didn't seem to be sad.

Instead of taking her regular seat next to Alya, Marinette took in a breath and reached out to Chloe.

'hey, Chloe' she said and noticed Adrien watching them from the corner of his eyes.

'what are you doing here DUPAIN CHENG?'

'i heard you were akumatised yesterday, Chloe, and I-'

'oh so you are here to pity me? I don't need it. I don't need you. I don't need anyone-'

'but everyone need friends Chloe-'

'I would rather have hawkmoth as my friend than you, Maritrash.' Chloe spat and turned around.

'I understand that.' Marinette tried to act calm. Adrien approached them. 'I understand Chloe, that we haven't been on good terms over these past few years, but what if I wanted to mend them?'

'she's right, chlo.' Adrien said and touched Mari's shoulder. strangely it wasn't her who felt the tingling session all over her body. 

'you think so adrikins?' she squealed

'i would be happy if you give Marinette a chance Chloe, as she's doing with you.' 

'only if you say so...' she said frowning.

'but Chloe- by friends I mean real friends. you wont boss me around- we'll share our things, go together for shopping, movies, or maybe a normal walk- we'll gossip, talk and be happy' she breathed and added, 'do you agree?'

Adrien nodded to encourage Chloe.

Chloe, by now has a tint of red on her cheeks, 'real friends? Both of you?'

Marinette nodded happily, and Chloe nodded too, overwhelmed by emotions. 

Marinette extended her hand for Chloe to shake. she looked down at her hand for a moment, then at her and took it slowly, now smiling. students  started entering the class and they separated to sit on their own seat.

Adrien turned around in his seat to face Marinette. 'Marinette- that was so, so kind- and sweet of you.' he said, his green eyes stared into her blue one's intensely. she heated beneath his charming gaze, but there were no butterflies- no stuttering this time. she looked at where Chloe sat and replied, 'she deserves to be happy too. everyone does, I realised that yesterday.'

the conversation ended as miss bustier, Alya and Nino showed up. by lunch break Marinette had recited everything about her try on friendship with Chloe to Alya- and Adrien to Nino, probably. so when Marinette invited Chloe and Sabrina to eat with them- they weren't surprised- they were understanding, welcoming even, and their day went perfectly warm. 


Adrien was working on his computer, when a post of Marinette and alya showed up on his feed. he quickly opened it. he must admit that he was quiet impressed when mari befriended chloe, and almost positive he felt something- that cannont be described when he touched her. he almost felt guilty when he realized he had zoomed in  mari's picture- cutting alya off the view. he viewed it repeatedly a couple of times till Plagg showed up. 

'Marinette now, ha kid?'

'what "now"?'  said Adrien, shutting of the pic immediately, 'she's just...a f-friend, yes.'

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