truths and lies

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he took a few steps towards the screen and placed his hands where his mother was.

'isn't she...gone?' he whispered.

hawkmoth shook his head. 'Nuroo, dark wings fall.' he said.

'wh-what in the?' i said.

'i want to have it peacefully with my son- as you said.'

'As much as i don't want to leave him, here, with you of all people- should i give you both some privacy?'

'no!' Mr. bug shouted, his eyes glued to the screen. 'stay...'

'i nodded and moved forward to hold his hand.'

we both stood hand in hand, beside Gabriel Agreste!

'i lied to you.' Gabriel said as the screen showed the times he visited Emily sleeping inside the coffin and whispered sweet words, or put flowers on her.

'she isnt dead...'

'i-this is too much for me father, too much.' he said. 'would you just stop lying?' he said, his voice broke. 'i've already lost her once- how can i loose her again?' i hugged him, kissed his cheeks as tears began to pour out of his eyes. 

'i- i failed to be a good father. or husband for that matter.' 

'i...i trusted you father! you were my only family after mom...died. I needed you- but you? you turned your back on your own son!' he screamed.

'seeing you like this- it's breaking my heart.' he said.

it broke mine too!

' want our miraculouses to...bring back Emily Agreste?' I gasped.

Adrien stiffened and looked at him. he nodded. 'there's a chance, a chance I could have my Emily back forever.'

'so you became hawkmoth? for me?' 

'i dont want to lie to you any longer, and so let me tell you. no. i was hawkmoth long before. and your mother was the owner of the peacock miraculous.'

'what are you saying?!' he asked.

'that's a long story. i can just tell you that the peacock miraculous is broken, and that's the reason your mother is in this state.'

'then who is using the peacock miraculous currently?!' i said.

'one for one, ladybug. i dont know your identity, and so you dont get to know hers.'

' it Nathalie?' he asked.

'is this girl Marinette?' he questioned and a deep pain bulged inside my stomach. there's no way he guessed it so easily. 'you wont answer, will you? let's just keep it to that, then.'

he shrugged. 

'are you sure Emily Agreste will wake up if we do this?' Adrien said.

'we cant do that!' I shouted to him, alarmed. 'master Fu said we cant use these powers- it will have an equally powerful and negative effect!'

'lets see to that.' Adrien said.

i froze. 'I-i cant believe you.' i backed away. 'you would want to give your miraculous to this-this man, but i cannot. i vowed to protect Paris. and i will do it.'

meanwhile gabriel was smiling in victory.

'this man is my father, ladybug!' I was done. how could he betray me like that?! for once in my life, I felt struck, scared. 'and who's giving the miraculouses to him?'

i released the breath i didn't know I was holding. 

'Bunnix!' he said and smiled. 

I looked at him. yes. this was right! 'genious!'

'simply miraculous!' he smiled weakly.

'what are you implying?' Gabriel questioned, disappointed.

'we'll see the future.' he said.

'there's no way...' he trailed off as the realization drew upon him. 

'nothing is impossible with miraculous!' i said.

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