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It was officially a week to me and Marinette today. and it was also my birthday. 

for the first time in my life, i didn't feel like i was missing the fun on my birthday. seeing Marinette was enough for my happiness. I streched, yawned and got up from my bed. Plagg was still asleep so i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

when i came out, after taking a bath, Plagg was flying with a mysterious grin on his face.

'what's wrong! you're scaring me Plagg.' i huffed.

'happy birthday Adrien!'

he said and hugged me. 'thank you so much plagg!' i said heartily. i truly cant imagine being without him anymore.

'i have something for you.'


'as you're the most important human to me i am ready to share my cheese with you...'

'aww you'd really do that?!' plagg sharing his cheese!

'ofcourse kid, you're the best owner i could ask for...although you do have some stupid habits like being a lovesick fool- but i still like you as much as i like camembert' he exclamied.

My eyes shone. 'really? i mean to you as much as camembert?'

'oh lets not get so cheesy about it.' he said and presented me his cheese.

'thank you.' i whispered to him. 


i reached the school, hoping to find Marinette first.

a large group of people awaited me. 'happy birthday adrien!' they chorused together. hell, i think i really was a fool in love for i was trying to find my mari's face in the crowd. to my great disappointment, she wasnt there. i thanked everyone, pushed Lila off me politely and went inside.

there she stood. away from the crowd and carrying a present. 

i smiled at her, she smiled back and it took my heart away. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADRIEN!'

'thank you so much Marinette.' i said and we walked to the class together.

'here, i made something for you.' she handed it to me shyly.

'this-this means so much to me Marinette!' I said looking into her eyes.

she blushed a pretty shade of pink and hand in hand we entered the class.

lunch break

alya, Chloe, nino, marinette and i were sitting together, all had eyes on me. i had my eyes on her present and slowly I unwrapped it.

inside was a jumper- and not just any jumper, a chat noir jumper!

and suddenly i remembered it.

'oh this! a jumper- a chat noir jumper.' she had said.

'who is it for?' i asked.

'a friend. his birthday is near, last time I gifted him a scarf.'

his 'oh...' I remembered my jealousy 'a special boy?'

she nodded and hummed.

*for those who didn't read the earlier chapter- fake ladybug, this was the scene from that*

that special someone was me. without thinking where i was, or what i was doing i jumped up from my seat and hugged her.

she froze under my touch. Alya and chloe were laughing and teasing while Marinette was red.

'i cant thank you enough Marinette.' i whispered and pulled away to hold the jumper upto me, 'this is so-so wonderful! you're so talented...'

'well i cant take all the credit.' she laughed. 'a certain cat helped me in this.'

'cat?' i knew what she was talking about. last to last night, she was preparing this jumper when i entered her room as chat noir. i didnt even do much..she's too kind!

'that'd be a secret.' she said and flicked her finger at my nose.

this day was my best birthday ever!

night, 3rd person pov.

adrien was pacing around his room, deep in thought. 

'what's it?' said plagg, without taking his eyes from the tv.

'plagg..i-i think it wasnt my dad who gifted me that muffler last time...'

'whatever do you mean kid?'

'uh plag, marinette said so herself. she said she's making a jumper for someone special and that she'd gifted a muffler last time.

he finally looked at him. 'only one way to find out.' he said.

'or two?' 

they both were thinking about different ideas, knowing about each other's too. 

'ok Plagg, let's see then.' 

he bent down to his wardrobe and pulled out a box of mufflers and woolen caps. 'it must be here somewhere...uh...'

'got it!' he exclaimed.

Adrien stood up and Plagg flew up to him. 'it must bear Marinette's signature if its her creation.' plagg spoke

adrien nodded and they both began to look for the signature. 

and finally they did. in the uttermost corner- and size of a bug, was a name. marinette.

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