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Marinette's pov

It's been three days.
It's been three days since chat noir comes to my roof each night, knock, and sit there for God knows how many hours. It's been three days since I have last seen my friends. It's been three days since I am lying about being sick. It's been three fuckin days since he broke me. It's been three whole days and each night he has left me flowers- and a note. Of apology.

I don't know for how long will I be able to keep it up. I've been thinking about this each night.

He must be outside right now. I thought. I almost opened the door to let him in- but refrained myself at the last moment.

I sat down on the cold floor, leaning against the wall. What I didn't know was that he sat leaning against the wall at the other side thinking about me. Just like I was thinking about him.

At some point of time he left, and I slept. Tomorrow, I hope, will bring something better for me. Something that will help me get past him. My kitty.

I woke up the next day, thinking I'll go to school today. I can't keep hiding. But guess what? It was a Sunday. A holiday...

As I tied my hairs up into a ponytail and arranged myself into a better- presentable self, tikki flew up to me, looking rather miserable.

'what is it tikki?! Are you not well?' I asked, concerned and left my hairs to attend her immediately.

She shook her head. 'i am alright...but I get a feeling that one of the other kwamis is not.' her big eyes were somehow larger than usual. 'i think it's plagg.' she whispered.

'i must check on... Him' I said, gritting my teeth. Great. Now I'll have to call him. After avoiding him for days...
I don't want to see him, let alone talk!

'please marinette.' tikki whispered, years filling her eyes.

I immediately cupped her. 'i will do it right away tikki! I'll do anything in my power for you.'

She smiled as a tear escaped. 'are you ready?' I asked her gently.

'hurry.' she said and nodded.

'tikki spots on!'

When I opened my call logs, to look for chat, I noticed something bizzare.

He had been dialing me for past half an hour continuously. 13 missed calls and 9 text messages! I didn't get a right feel about this.

I called him right away. He picked it up on the first ring.

'ladybug?' he whispered. His voice was broken- I could feel it. He was crying. Seeing him like that broke my heart.

'you-you're crying chat noir! Is everything all right?' I asked, though I know it wasn't.

'its...it's about plagg.'

'what about him?'

'he's very-very sick. I don't know what to do ladybug!' he began to sob.

'listen to me very carefully. Dress up in a way I don't get to know who you are and meet me at master foo's home right away. I'll be there.'

I swung away as soon as he cut the call. I hesitated a few seconds before entering. I've been avoiding this place since- well, since he lost his memories. I miss him a little too much.

I went inside, remembering all our memories together and sat on his place. I had brought wayzz- the turtle miraculous with me. He was master foo's kwami, and he knew alot about this stuff. Perhaps he would guide me if something went wrong.

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