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"Pound it" all three of them fist-bumped.
'You did very well, umm miss-?' chat said
'birdie,' she replied, 'call me birdie.'
She left with ladybug to an alley and detransformed.
'here.' she handed the miraculous over, 'thank you so much ladybug, for trusting me.'
Ladybug smiled. 'we'll meet soon, birdie!' 


The next day, Chloe came to Marinette.

'did you see the akuma attack last night! Did you notice the new superhero?' she asked excitedly

'yep. Birdie wasn't she? She's so amazing!' marinette said

'yes! You know who-' for a moment mari thought she would tell her about her identity.

Chloe suddenly shook her head. 'oh I forgot what I was saying!' she gave an awkward laugh and went back to her seat.

Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. She could trust her, she knew.

'Ace?' she heard Alya say, 'do you mind if I get my previous seat back? I, my boyfriend and Marinette something important to discuss.'

He hesitated. 'uh-okay.' he finally said and went at the back of the class.

'glad to have my seat back.' Alya muttered once she sat back next to marinette. 'now, girl tell me what's up! '  she demanded. "Dont tell me you've moved on..cuz it actually looks like that'

'im still trying...'

'trying to move on? Why girl?'

'alya...he doesn't love me. I make a fool of myself everytime I try to converse- it'd be better if I just move on.'
'move on from what?' said nino behind them

'more like from "whom".'  his girlfriend replied 'our marinette is trying to move on from Adrien agreste.'

'what!' he said startled.

Then Adrien entered the class, looking perfect as ever, and took his seat next to nino.
'hey Alya, you back?' he called out

'yes!' she said, and added only low enough for marinette to hear, 'now you wouldn't have to watch mari with another guy, agreste. She's all YOURS.'

Marinette facepalmed.

Behind them 4, lila siddled up next to ace. 

'i'm lila!' she said.

'oh hi-lila, I'm Ace.' he said, uncomfortable, making some space between them.

She noticed what he was looking at. Marinette DUPAIN CHENG.

'she's totally out of limits, lover boy.' she said hotly.

He looked at Her, startled. 'what are you saying...'

'her heart only beats for the boy that sits behind her.'


'thats him.' she nodded. 'she's known to be a player, ace. She has broken many hearts for that guy, adrien.'

Player? Nah that wasn't mari. He thought. 

He pushed lila off him (she was basically crounching over him)

'its alright lila.' he said and began to take notes.

During lunch, ace hurried to find mari- but she was already gone. So were nino, Alya and Adrien.

He walked to the canteen, grimly. 

"Hey marinette.' he called as soon as he saw her, sitting next to Adrien.

She waved back and invited him over. Chloe, sabrina, Alya, nino, Adrien, Ace and marinette began a game.

'lets play rapid fire!' sabrina had said.

'what game?' asked Alya

'truth or dare? Rapid fire?'

'what's rapid fire?' marinette asked

'in this game, a person will take a name. The person next to him/her have to guess that person's crush. And next one the crush's crush. And then the crush's crush's crush and so on. Do you get it?'

Adrien looked confused, 'well let's play for some clarity.'

'mind if he joins?' marinette whispered as she noticed ace.

Chloe and Alya both internally groaned, feeling their ship sinking. 'sure.' said nino.
'he's cute anyway.' said Chloe in agreement, a little blushy.

And that's how sabrina started rapid fire.

'nathaniel.' she started.

Chloe was next to sabrina. 'marinette.' she said, as Nathaniel's crush.

'hey! He does not like me any more!' 

'tut tut.' sabrina interrupted. 'if you don't know who the person likes, just make a random guess.

 Or even say someone close to being one.'

Next to Chloe was Adrien. 

'umm marinette's crush?' he looked at the girl next to him, who was red as a tomato. 

'chat noir?' he said and all the faces on that table except one were grinning and laughing at his oblivion-ess.

'what?' said Adrien, 'i didn't know so I just guessed the one that came to my mind at that moment-' he said remembering about how marinette had claimed to like his alter ego during "weredad".

Marinette looked at him, utterly bewildered and with a questioning face. He shrugged.

'okay, everyone knows this- ladybug.'

No one noticed Adrien's cheek turn pink.

'who is ladybug's crush!' said Alya next to marinette. 'she's so particular about her identity-'

'cmon don't spoil the game! Just take any name and be done with it!' Chloe interrupted.

'adrien!' she screamed. If marinette was a tomato back then, her tomato color doubled- no tripled somehow and she coughed. Adrien, next to her, did the same. Both blushing, uncontrollably.

'adrien's crush?' ace said, thoughtfully. 'kaami?' 

'eh? Who's kaami?' 

He looked at marinette. 'the girl we saw him with at the ice cream parlor. Who was she? isnt this her name?'

Marinette, who felt sad for a moment, when she realized he was talking about Kagami, now suddenly burst out laughing. 'kagami!' 

'ah yes. Sorry dude.' he said to Adrien, who looked uncomfortable.

'okay, this one is easy.' said nino. 'kagami...adrien.'

'c'mon, Sabrina, don't take the name of Kagami now! It would be stuck between the two of them...' said Alya.

'then... Marinette' she said

They all froze. Adrien choked and coughed. Alya looked excited, laughing, and giddy, Chloe too, ace looked away and well as for Marinette, she couldn't be more blushy.

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