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'pound it.' said chat and ladybug in sync and swung away. they rested atop a building together, over looking the view. clouds were thundering in distance, it would rain for sure today.


she looked at him, her heart beat increased as she stared into his eyes.

'I think ill keep my identity a secret, if its okay to you.' 

she smiled and nodded. 'that works for me.' 

her earrings beeped and she bid her farewell. 

Marinette's POV

it was raining outside. raining vigorously. too bad, i was wishing he would come.

i was sure he wouldn't come and so i grabbed my blankets and lay down on my bed. something in my instincts didn't feel right. i heard something. no...probably something fell down during rain- there's no way he could be here in this weather.

and then i heard it again- a knock.

chat noir!

I quickly got up and opened my window. there he sat, shivering in the rain, waiting for me.

I gasped. he noticed me. his face was covered with tear marks

'm-Marinette.' he whispered. 

oh the feel of my name on his lips!

'why the hell did you come in this weather you silly person!' i shouted and pulled him inside my room. 'what if you catch cold?' i enraged. 

quickly grabbing a towel, i dried his hairs and him up. 

'Marinette i am such a bad person. I know I don't deserve you but-'

i kissed his lips before he could complete. rest of his words dissolved inside my mouth and his lips were so gentle so soft, so perfect against mine- at that moment I knew he was the one for me.

it felt like hours when i finally pulled away. 'forgive me kitty.' I whispered. 'you had to suffer so much because of me- because of my ego.'

'it wasn't ego Marinette. I hurt you...' he looked down at his lap, still panting from our kiss.

i gently cupped his cheek. 'you were right to choose ladybug, chat, it was necessary for Paris. you should choose her, but only if you're sure she is real.'

'you have no idea what happened to me in these days, Mari. I realized that i cant live without you, that you're the most important to me- more important than ladybug. I realized my mistake, where I went wrong. if i would've listened to you earlier,  none of this would've happened. I-i realized that i am in love with you.'

that I am in love you. 

I stared into his eyes, which shown nothing but truth. he loves me. 

'I don't know when, but somewhere among all this, I fell for you too chat noir.' left my lips without any thought.

I know it was the truth. I don't know when it happened but  I knew that I was in love with him.

he kissed me again. this time it wasn't gentle or soft. it was needy, and I loved it. I gave him as much as I could, knowing he did the same for me.

nothing mattered to me at this moment. perhaps,  I'll never stop loving Adrien. perhaps, he'll always have a little piece of my heart. pressed against chat noir right now, I was sure of only one thing. I  was happy. I felt home. I was sure that this is the boy I love. everything felt just right.


sorry for the short chapter! I didn't want to overdo this...

tell me if you want me to change something

and I think the reveal is coming soon...

probably in next two to three chapters? 

bug out :))

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