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chat noir's pov

i guess this is my end...

he came towards me slowly, carefully, and rested just in front.

he placed his hand on my shoulder, i gulped audibly. 'have you...have you seen my kid, chat noir?' he said.

i exhaled loudly, and pumped in air into my lungs. i could've fainted here!

'a certain someone told me he's missing, sir, and so i came to your home to check.' i lied frankly.

good going Adrien!

'i'm trying to find him for so long! please help me...i cant loose him.'

i was touched that my father cared for me. all the anger about the muffler evaporated off me. 'he'll return to you. i promise.'

gabriel's pov

when and how did you learn to lie so frequently, adrien. i wondered

i really really apologize, my son, for what i'm going to do now.

I led him to a closed room, near my lair and asked him to sit down. He obeyed at once and I exited the room.

Chat noir's pov

I didn't know what was happening- I just trusted my father and followed him to a dark- very dark room that I didn't know existed in my house.

I sat down in the corner as he wished and he left. Almost immediately, cuffs and ropes emerged from behind me and trapped me.

'cataclysm!' I shouted. This couldn't be right!

Another rope bounded my hand with the power of destruction and I was helpless.
Then I saw it. A figure approaching me slowly.


'what's happening sir? I said I'll bring Adrien back-'

'i don't remember teaching you to lie so well, son.'
My head was reeling. I instantly stopped quivering and moving to get past my binds.


Then he did one thing that I'd never imagine in a million years. The one thing that made me loose my breath.

He pushed his tie aside and produced the butterfly miraculous and transformed.

'nuroo, dark wings rise!'

As light blinded the room, darkness blinded me and I lost my consciousness.

"in a matter of moments, you'll transform back Adrien and then ill have your miraculous. And explain why I did it. Then, I know you would want to support me, and hope you'll help me get ladybug's miraculous too!"

Plagg's pov

Something isn't right. Adrien isn't moving or anything. He's shocked for some reason.

His transformation is about to wear of. What is wrong??

3... Adrien you need to wake up!
2...uh oh we go.

His transformation broke and I came out, exhausted. I looked around to figure what place it was, but found no clue. i turned back, to talk with adrien when i noticed my kid in bounds, unconsious. 

'adrien.' i whispered. then tickled him, wiggled my tongue at him and did everything, but he was really not gonna wake up any time soon.

and the next thing i felt scared me. i felt the aura of nuroo- the butterfly miraculous. hawkmoth has taken adrien hostage!

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