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Marinette s pov
'are you ready girl?'
Alya asked over the call as I packed my clothes, some croissants and cookies for tikki in a small bag,

'am I?' I mouthed to tikki as I brushed my hairs and out them up in my usual two pigtails.

She giggled and nodded. 'yes!' I said.

'good. I and nino will meet you at your home in 10.'

'fine with me. Uh and Alya?' I asked, noticing she had left out a name. 'what about Adrien?'

'oh don't worry girl- he'll be there, I think.'

'you think?! What do you mean Alya, isn't he coming?'

'nino called him, marinette.' she said quitely.


'and Nathalie denied him at once. He has a too busy schedule to attend sleepovers.'

'so-so he won't come?' I asked, suddenly feeling very sad. I dropped the brush from my hands. It was useless if he wouldn't be there. All the excitement evaporated of me.

'he might come. He appealed to his father- let's wait and see. Anyways girl, it's still gonna be awesome, you see! We will have lots of fun! I'll meet you soon-'
'yeah okay.' I said and disconnected the call.

'oh marinette.' tikki flew over to me and hugged me. 'its alright.' she soothed.

'why does this always happen?! I was wishing he would come, tikki!' I cried.

'maybe he will, mari!'

I looked up suddenly. 'ofcourse i know!' I dialled Chloe. If this plan works...

'i hope you have your things packed Chloe!' I said excitingly.
'i do.' she said. 'but im still planning if to join or not...'
'what do you mean Chloe. You need to be there!!!'
'anyways, I need your help.' I mutter on the phone.

I jumped, happily and excitedly. Adrien would come for sure! Chloe's parents are friends with Adrien's father- and if Chloe came, then Gabriel would probably agree Adrien too! Oh I wish he does...

A honk sounded below. I quickly grabbed my bag, ushered tikki inside my purse and headed down. Kissing my parents on their cheeks I happily sat in the back of Nora (alya's sister)'s car, next to Alya.

'thanks for picking me up!' I exclaimed

We quickly reached to alix's home. It was larger than I had imagined it to be. With a quick goodbye to Nora we headed inside.

'im so glad you came!' Alix said and put her arms around me and Alya.

'thanks for having us here, Alix!' Alya said and I nodded.

A while later, a limousine pull up beside her home. Chloe stepped out, along with him. I was beyond happy- and glad I was friends with Chloe! Adrien could come only because of Chloe...

'hey Adrien!' I said, shyly

'hello.' he waved back with his sweet smile. 'chloe told me about your plan marinette- it's all because of you that I could come.'

I blushed. 'you should thank Chloe. She made it possible!'

Adrien's POV

I couldn't tell how glad I was to have marinette. If I am here today, its all because of her. It took me everything to not just wrap my arms around her.

'lets dance!' Kim said and took alix's hands. They began moving to a soft rhythm.

Marinette and Chloe stood up and went towards ace. My heart sank. Marinette went to ace.

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