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Ace was having a hard time, in the backseat with the class's liar. ahead of him, she sat with Alya. thankfully, she hasn't said a word yet, to Adrien, since the awkward moment back then during lunch.

next to him, he didn't notice Lila grunting her teeth. "ill make your life hell now, ace, fan of MARITRASH.' she spoke to herself and smiled.

'miss Mendeleev!' she screamed suddenly, the older teacher turned to face her. 

'i left my expensive bracelet- which was an heirloom, here, on my desk in the lunch time before i went to the canteen. its- gone now. its missing.' she faked tears.

miss Mendeleev shook her head. 'it must be here somewhere of course, check it again.' she said in her shrieking voice.

Marinette knew just what was about to happen. 'no,' she whispered as Lila said, 'miss, can you ask ace to check his bag! maybe he...'

'ace was do no such thing.' Marinette shouted.

'oh and how do you know, Marinette? maybe you both stole it and now you're just scared that you'll get caught.'

'everyone knows you're a liar.' she replied hotly, at the same time ace shouted, 'leave Mari out of this.'

Adrien was frowning in his seat.

all the children began shouting from their seats. some in favor of Lila (a few) and others agreeing to ace.

'sit down everyone!' miss mandelieve shouted. 'ace, Marinette, Lila go to Mr. Damocles office right now.'

'but miss mandelieve there's no proof ace did it-' rose said

'let them sort it out themselves.' she said and resume teaching. meanwhile they three stood up and exited the class. 

'what is wrong with you Lila?! why are you bothering him!' Marinette shouted

she smirked. 'he is too fond of you. he'll suffer now.' she whispered in Marinette's ears.

'ill not let that happen to him.' 

'we'll see about that.' 

Lila was right. A tear slipped ace's eye and a dark butterfly sat on the paper he held behind his back.

2 hours earlier, lila had managed to trap marinette and ace in her trap. Marinette's eyes leaked tears. Ace had written a poem for her- and yet he saw her finding solace in Adrien sitting on a bench together in the park.
He clutched the paper on which he had written the poem and a tear slipped his eye. "He will pay. Adrien will pay. This should have been me."

And the butterfly sat upon the paper he held behind his back.

"Destructor, I am hawkmoth. I give you the power of destruction and hatred. You can cause two people to destroy the bonds they had, thus destroying them. Cut the bonds between the girl you love and the one she loves. Take your revenge. But in return you must bring me ladybug's and chat noir s miraculous- her earrings and his ring.'

'yes hawkmoth' he said and transformed into a tall- very tall and heavily built monster.

'adrien agreste.' he shouted and Adrien looked up. 'i want revenge' he said and threw a disk at marinette's and Adrien's joint hands.

'you are the only girl that have my mind and heart, marinette. I'll not hurt you. You can run- go.'

'Ace!' she gasped. 'what happened to you?'

He smiled down at her, Adrien gritted his teeth, 'you are so beautiful. I'm not ace any longer. Call me destructor."

'nooo!' she shouted as he hurled another disk towards Adrien.

'dont do this, ace you re not like this!' she pleaded.

'he stole you away from me. This guy deserves-'

'im not leaving him alone. If you hurt him, you hurt me' she said.

He scooped her up in his giant arms. 'then I'll take care of you.'

adrien, by now was in a rage. he nodded to plagg who unnoticed flew up to marinette and blinked one eye at her. what? she mouthed. he flew down, and as he had done before, for adrien in heroes' day released a puff of destruction down at the road. the road collasped and the destructor's feet struck. 

marinette jumped from his arms and adrien caught her by the waist. their eyes met, both of them a color of sweet red and without wasting another moment ran away, hand-in-hand. 

'hide in the bathroom now!' Adrien said urgently as they entered a public wc. they noticed their hands- still entwined and marinette jumped. she immediately ran inside and slam the door. adrien smiled at where she was a while back and went to the boy's washroom to transform. 

'Plagg claws out' he said at the same time as Mari said, 'Tikki spots on!

chat exited first, and ladybug saw him. "Adrien was there..." she whispered to herself. "yes i got it! that means....that means chat noir assured Adrien's safety! he must be safe." she said and swung away. 


'no more evil doing for you little akuma! time to de-evilise' ladybug screamed and purified the akuma. 

'pound it.' chat and ladybug said together. ace detransformed. ladybug held up the paper with ace's poem. she showed it to chat noir who gasped.

ladybug and chat noir smiled and nodded, as an exchange about what they would do. 

'what's it ace?' she bent down and asked kindly.

'i didnt know this would happen- I'm so sorry ladybug, chat noir.'

'everyone gets low sometimes, ace. share with us.' chat noir smiled softly.

'i- i was troubled. i was- selfish, i think. there is this kind, sweet and cute girl Marinette- she's just so awesome. it isn't even days when i met her and i think- i think that i already...i only wanted her for myself...' he trailed off and shook his head. 'but she loves someone else. besides there's this girl Lila in my class- a real lie-la and such a drama queen- she created quite some trouble.

'who do you think she loves?' chat noir suddenly exclaimed, interested. ladybug stiffened. 

"Adrien Agreste"

'why do you think so?' ladybug questioned

'i know so, ladybug. he's so handsome, and kind, and popular obviously. moreover, Mari seems to be awed and fond of him- there's no denying about that. that day she was about to get hit by a car it was because of him- because of Adrien and his girlfriend.'

'popularity and beauty isn't everything, ace. looks doesnt matter- no one is exactly the same as they look from the outside.'

'though I must admit he is very kind and sweet to his looks add to his plus points.' chat noir heard ladybug whisper

his cheeks reddened.

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