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Gabriel's pov

i knew it. i knew something was wrong. i had been suspicious since the day i saw that ring on adrien's finger. 

i know this was wrong, but i had asked natalie to keep a close eye on him- and his room.

and i was right.

Natalie was positive that she saw a blinding green light in Adrien's room right now, and that he went outside. when i checked his room, it was empty.

chat noir's pov

i have to know about that muffler, and i knew exactly how.

i landed on my love's balcony and knocked.

'its open kitty cat!'

i smiled at the name and let myself in. she sat shivering in a bundle of blankets, and i knew she wasn't well.

'what's wrong princess.' I immediately checked her forehead and began to keep cold water towels on her forehead. I kissed her hands, cheeks, eyes, forehead, everything to sooth her.

'i am feeling too cold chat...' she whispered, her teeth clattering. she was shivering badly.

i hoisted her up in my hands. she looked alarmed and ready to protest.

i placed myself on her bed and wrapped my arms around her to give her my heat. i didnt wish to be anywhere but here. my favorite place. with my Marinette.

and perhaps my questions could wait a moment.

after a few hours, when Marinette finally slept, requesting for a last kiss, which i happily gave i leapt out of her window, placing her on her bed as quietly as I could to not wake her up.

and i had no idea this night- my most wonderful one was going to end up so bad. 

i entered my room and was about to transform back when i saw my father standing inside, his hands behind his back.

my heart leapt to my mouth. i was so shocked-i literally felt a huge jerk. no! no! no!  I cried. 

i guess this is my end...

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