Fake ladybug

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Adrien's pov

I was jealous yesterday, when ace confessed his love to Marinette. all that jealousy evaporated when I 1) saw ladybug, 2) heard that Ace thought Mari liked me

i looked out the car's window as the car silently rode across the road to my school. somewhere my instincts told me, today was gonna be interesting. I sighed. it can only be interesting if either ladybug or Marinette is beside me.

as i entered the class, instinctively my eyes first travelled across the room to find Marinette. she wasn't there. i sat on my usual seat, completely unnoticing the absence of ace.

then they walked in together. together. so interesting, I growled in frustration. 

she noticed me and waved and came over at her seat next to Alya. Lila was on leave. she said she's going out to the states- but i knew being Lila, well, it must be a lie.

then a new girl, a girl I had never seen before entered the room. she smiled and waved at everyone. miss bustier entered behind her. 'looks like we have to make room for another student.'

she is pretty, I had to admit. with long silky blonde hairs and electric blue eyes. but of course I found her no where near either ladybug or Marinette.

she gave a bow and pushed her hairs behind her hair and revealed a pair of red earring with black dots. I froze. ladybug...

in front of him he didn't notice Marinette scoff as many other children awed glances at her. not because of her stunning looks- but because of the misconception that she was ladybug.

half of the day dragged by and by the time it was time to eat, we all stood up. I noticed the new girl, she had introduced herself as "Diane" surrounded by more than half of the class. 

'ladybug...'I heard them whisper and Diane nodded. I wanted to go there too, to find out if this girl was milady.

but then my eyes fell upon Marinette. and Chloe who casually leaned against the desk, waiting for Alya to show up. Marinette had crossed her arms over her chest. 

'what's up, you two?' i asked as i neared them. 'aren't you going over to meet her?'

'I'm telling you Marinette, she is ladybug. can we just give it a try? she looks good too...'

'popularity and beauty isn't everything Chloe! no one is exactly the same as they look from the outside.' I froze. I had heard this. I heard this yesterday- from none other than ladybug. Marinette quoted something  said by ladybug. Mari's voice brought me back.  'how can they all be so naïve.'

'what's wrong?' i frowned. 

she sighed. 'if any of you really knew ladybug...' she started. 'do you really think she would endanger herself by revealing herself to everyone this way? do you think she would give up on her identity so easily after keeping it a secret all these years? the one who's so particular- so secretive about her identity, today flashing it to the whole CLASS!'

well, she got me. I never thought about this. this girl- Diane could not be milady. 'you're right!'

'really Marinette! I never thought this...' Chloe agreed. 'lets pull Alya out.' she stormed off.

now I stood facing Marinette, who lightly leaned against her desk. she suddenly flushed and looked conscious. 

'you seem to know quite a lot about her.' I said, amused.

'oh I do.' she grinned. 

'her favorite color?' I asked immediately

'pink. and green' she replied in a second. I nodded. she had told me. it was pink- and green like his eyes.

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