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Next day did bring something good for Marinette.
She felt happy. Or more than that.

Last night, Marinette and chat noir had kissed multiple times and then she had slept in his arms.

He was gone by the time she woke up in her bed. She smiled and streched and got up to get ready for her school.

'that smile hasn't left your face since yesterday night Marinette!' Tikki giggled.
It only make me smile wider. 'I can't wait for him to show up this night!'

'well you should hurry for the school!'

Adrien's POV

I reached the school, looking happier than ever. I was on cloud nine- and the thought of seeing Marinette today with her smile brightened me even more! I can't wait till the night to meet her.

'what's up with that silly grin of yours kid?' Plagg said while munching on cheese.

'I found my own cheese to love, Plagg!' I said smiling even brighter.

'you got yourself a girlfriend?!' Plagg looked up, shocked.

I nodded in response.

'you are lucky she forgave you!'

'wait. How do you know it's her?' I asked.

'well you are totally in love with her- and you're a little too happy since the last night when she forgave you...'

'plaggggg! I can't wait to see her'

'oh stop it you are acting so stupid!' he laughed and for the first time I agreed. I was so in love with this girl...

As I reached the school, looking happier than ever, the first thing I did was to search for her beautiful face inside the room.
Oh but I can't hug or kiss her as Adrien! The thought of this made me sad. I am a friend to her now. She has a boyfriend. That boyfriend is me. But isn't the real me. So I can't hug her. I can hug her but not in this self. Ughhh!

I scanned across the room for any sign of my Marinette. she wasn't there yet. my eyes met someone else's instead. Diane.

she had her hairs open, with nothing holding them back. and what she wore- well that wasn't really decent for school.  her red crop off shoulder blouse had a heart neckline, paired with a black silk super short skirt. 

'hi Adrien.' she said shyly and approached me. i backed away immediately to maintain some space and muttered a quick hello.

'i really wanted to apologize to you for that day...'

she really should. because of her I almost lost Marinette.

'no worries, Diane.' I shrugged it off forcefully. 'half of it was my fault.'

she shook her head graciously. 'it was Juleka's fault too...and mine too. i should've just removed a piece of clothing instead of making you uncomfortable.'

 I had no idea what this girl was upto, rubbing her legs together in front of me intentionally and looking at me with her eyelashes...she should know that now i have a gf. and not just any girfriend- its's the most kind and beautiful girl in the word.

'no worries-let's just forget that, alright?' I said awkwardly.

she nodded, but didn't go away. 

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