Madame lover

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'Marinette!' Tikki screamed. 'you need to help them. NOW.'

Marinette stood behind a pillar watching Kagami and Adrien in danger. Lila. She guessed. it was her who got akumatised. Marinette had been watching them both since the time they roamed through the city of Paris, and finally stopped in front of the André ice parlor. Kagami was feeding Adrien the yellow, green, and blue ice cream when the villain showed up. 

'Tikki! spots on!' a bright light followed her transformation and swinging, she landed in front of Kagami and Adrien. 

'stay behind. Adrien, take Kagami with you. rush to the safest spot and hide till I and chat catch the akuma.' she hesitantly instructed and tried to focus on the villain. 

'Lila!' she called out aloud.

'well, if it isn't loserbug. Lila is no more. there's only Madame lover now.' she screeched through her teeth and swirled around. her movement released beams of light and sticky goo. she disappeared by the time ladybug landed on her feet, successfully avoiding all the goo. 

'where are they?' she whispered and ran to where Adrien had run. along with Kagami. she shook her head. she was a superhero and it was her duty to save everyone. be it her love's girlfriend.

'hey lovey-dovey,' said chat noir  who hung from a pole. 'looking for someone?'

She snarled and shoot a few goo in his direction who dodged them easily.

'chat noir, don't let her out of your site!' ladybug rasped.

'of course i wont mil -ladybug.' he said. 'uh oh looks like she's already gone.'

ladybug didn't wait. she jumped up to the rooftop, looking for any sign of Lila, or Adrien, or Kagami.

chat noir came beside her. 

'that's Lila. the one who was akumatised as chameleon?  she's after a boy named Adrien. and umm her girlfriend, I think.'

'girlfriend?' he said, his eyes wide. 

'no time to talk kitty. we have to save them.' she said and swung again, leaving her partner with wide confused eyes. he followed his lady. 

'come out Kagami Tsurugi.' she laughed. 'i would make Adrien fall in love with me and you would have no option but to see that helplessly.'

'Adrien would never truly love you if you force him to, Lila. Madame lover. maybe if you change a little...' said ladybug

Lila smiled slyly and shot her goo at a civilian who was hiding behind a bush, seeing the exchange. as the person  was hit, she come out towards where Lila stood. 

it was Alya. 'no alya!' she clasped her mouth tightly before she could scream, 'you hate her remember?' too much for her identity.

alya came beside lila. she held her hand, her eyes full of love and adoration. 'you are so pretty!' she awed. Marinette gagged.

'lucky charm!' she shouted and a pen fall to her. 'what am i supposed to do with this!' she said looking around. 

'her wristlet. that's where the akuma is!' said chat noir looking carefully. they dodged another attack and ladybug ran closer to Madame lover. 

'chat, separate Ayla and Kagami from her.' meanwhile she ducked and slipped the hook of the pen inside her wristlet and pulled. the wristlet slipped out. Lila shoot her goo and it narrowly missed ladybug. she ran afar. 

'cataclysm!' chat noir shouted as ladybug threw the object to him. he held it, and the objected turned to  a mess of black. the butterfly flew out and ladybug caught it. 

'time to de-evilize!' she said and released the butterfly. 'bye- bye little butterfly.'

Madame lover transformed back to her usual self.

'pound it,' ladybug and chat noir had their trademark fist bump. he no longer tried to stop ladybug as her earing beeped. they smiled and lingered a little longer than usual before ladybug finally bid her farewell.

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