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I sat in detention and put my head down.
I heard footsteps enter the room.
I looked up to see Iero with his guitar in his hands.
He sat down a few desks behind me.
Then two more kids came in.
"Hello there. I'm Mrs.Martin your guidance counselor. And all of you have detention for doing something wrong. " she started off


The kid who sat in the front said



I grunted. She stared at me and continued


"Here." He replied

"And lastly Sullivan?"

"Here." He answered
She put her clipboard down.

"I'm going into the teachers lounge. Come to me when you need me." She said and left.

Sullivan and Ackley decided that they were going to leave.
I didn't feel like going anywhere .
Face it. I lost my mojo. My desire to bad things is gone. Iero really fucked me up.
I knew Iero was still in the classroom with me.
I heard him pull out his guitar.
He strummed on it a bit.
And then started playing some nice soothing notes.

"Lilly." He said

I didn't answer him.
He went in front of my desk.

"Listen to me." He spoke

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did okay. I admit it I went to far." Iero added

I looked at him.

"Whatever." I replied with a death glare.

He looked at me bleakly and pulled something out his pocket.
It was a pack of cigarettes .

"I know you took one." He said

"Maybe I did." I answered

He smiled and handed me one.
I grabbed it out his hands.

"Hey no grabbing okay." He said and took the cigarette out of my hand.

I groaned.

"What are you my mother?" I asked annoyed

"Take it nicely."

I took it slowly and smiled when it finally withdrawed from his fingers.
I put it to my lips.

"Got a lighter?" I asked.

"No." He said and took a match and started a fire from his mouth.

"Woah how you did that?" I asked in wanderlust as he put the flame to my cigarette.

"It's just a trick." He said and smiled.

"Go by the window so it won't spark the smoke detector." He told me.

I walked over to the window and looked outside.
New Jersey was beautiful.
I noticed Iero wouldn't stop smiling like a idiot.

"Your teeth are crooked." I told him and laughed.

"So is your smile." He said

We looked at each other in a way that was weird. So I turned away.

I smushed my cigarette against the brick near the window and threw it outside.

"Come on." He said and grabbed my wrists.

"Don't you think we should stay here?" I asked unsure

"Since when you actually do the right thing? And plus Mrs.Martin doesn't come back until 2pm. " He told me

I allowed him to pull me out of the classroom .
He took me into this part of the building that I've never been to before.
It was the part where they were renovating so it was isolated . It has plastic covers everywhere.

"Why are we over here?" I asked him

"There's like a swingy thing over there by the part that has no wall, so you're like half outside and inside." Iero explained

"I see." I said and walked over to the part he was describing to me.
I sat on the swing like object.
He was on the swingy thing next to me.



"What did you think of me when you first saw me? Be honest."

"I thought you were really um beautiful. You look really innocent too. You don't really seem so mean or a bitch. But yeah. " He told me

"I'm sorry. I'm just.. I am a bitch. And I'm not proud." I admitted

"Do you know Isabella Bryar ?"he asked me.

Isabella Bryar the girl who I make fun of 24/7. The girl who I yelled at the day in the lunchroom with Teeny.

"Yeah why?" I answered

"Well if you wondering why Bob hated you, it's because that's his sister." Iero said

Oh shit. They do kinda look alike. Both have the blonde hair.
I shrugged.

" I just don't know anymore ." I told him.
He looked at me.

"Stop looking at me like that Iero." I told him and kicked him in the shin.
I began laughing

"Can you calm your tits please." He said rubbing his shin
I gasped.

"Hey don't talk about my tits." I said and wrapped my hands around my chest.

"Can't lie. They are some nice tits." He said and laughed

I laughed too

"Fuckboy." I teased

"I'm not a fuckboy." He protested
"Even if I was you gotta watch out fuckboys are dangerous." He added

"Okay Iero whatever you say."I laughed

I tugged at his lip ring.

"Did it hurt?"

"Not really."

"You have any piercings?"



I raised my shirt up and exposed my stomach to him.

He stared at my belly button and laughed.

"Can I touch it?" He asked as if it was a baby

"Um yeah." I allowed

He poked my belly button and then poked my stomach.

I squealed like seal and jumped back.

"Don't do that!" I yelled

"Why?" He asked with a evil look in his eye.

"Cuz you're a fuckboy." I joked

He started tickling me and I was going crazy.
Then I fell outside onto the grass area.
He lend out a hand to help me up but I pulled him down to the floor.
He looked at me and smiled this cheeky smile.

His eyes are hazel.

Holy shit.

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