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I was sitting on my bed smoking a cigarette when Iero barged in like a gorilla.
He went near me and spoke.

"You bitch,look at my eye!" He yelled

"Looks the same to me." I said without even looking At him.

He grabbed my cigarette and threw out the window.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled
He grabbed my arm and held my wrist tightly.

"Listen. I hate you. I hate you so much." He told me

I stared at him.

"I swear if you were found dead I wouldn't give a shit. I would stomp on your grave." He shot again coldly

I laughed.

"And I'm supposed to feel threatened?" I asked before loosening out of his grasp and running out of the dorm.

I wasn't mad. I wasn't sad.
I'm used to these things.
I still had more cigarettes so I went outside and smoked.
Then a random teacher that I didn't have approached me.

"Smoking isn't becoming of a young lady." She said in a "high society" voice.

Well guess what miss. I'm not a young lady.
I blew all the smoke I huffed in my mouth straight into her face.
She coughed various times and stared at me with a stern look.

"How DARE YOU??!" She yelled

I smiled. She reminds me of Soleto. I miss my old school a lot. Especially Teeny.

She wrote something in a pad and handed it to me.

"Detention?" I asked out loud
"How do you get detention in a boarding school?"

"You spend your entire Saturday in the library." She explained.


Some things  came into the mail for me. It was from my aunt and Teeny. Teeny sent me some cool sunglasses and a letter and my aunt sent me a blanket and a letter as well.
Something else caught my eye. It was just a letter. But the name hit me like a truck.

Jillian Giorgio-Brooks .

That's only one person... My mother.
Why was she writing me?
I couldn't look at the letter any more. I put it in my drawer.
I vowed to never speak about my mom. I basically erased her out of my memory. Out of sight out of mind. It's weird because I still love her. She wasn't ever bad to me just she got convicted of doing s crime.
I just wish things can go back to the way it was before.

Happiness doesn't last forever huh?

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