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Franks P.O.V

I guess you can say that Lilly and I aren't at war anymore.
It was the ending of detention and we went up to our room .
She went inside and jumped on my bed .

"Hey you wanna play that game where we jump on each others beds?" She asked already jumping on my bed

"Hell yeah!" I said and ran on her bed and started jumping.

"Your side of the room smells like vanilla and coconuts." I told her

"Yours smell like cigarettes,sex,and firewood." She said to me
I laughed.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" I asked her

"Go ahead." She says

I nodded and spoke "What happened to you in your old school?"

"What is this 'know all about Lilly ' day?" She giggled

I smiled. "But really, what did you do?" I asked again

She exhaled deeply and put her feet on my bed.

"This boy in my school liked me. He took me out to a party. I thought that maybe he was just being a gentleman. I was wrong." She began

"He pinned me on the bed and.." She glanced at me and saw that I looked horrified.

"No he didn't do anything bad. I didn't let him. Oh hell no I wasn't gonna let some guy feel me up and try to get into my pants." She said relieving me

"Well yeah and he told the entire school some lie. And they all thought I was like a whore or something. And I got really mad at him and beat him up."
She finished.

"Wow. He deserved it though." I said

"He sure did." She responded


It was lunch time and I was sitting with my friends.

"Frank I can't believe you're actually talking to her. What the fuck man. I thought we were against her." Bob said angrily

"Bob we're good now. Just relax." I told him.

At the corner of my eye I saw Lilly walking past us.

She looked at me from across the cafeteria.

I made a head motion for her to come sit with us.

She violently shook her head.

I raised my eyebrow asking her why and she pointed at Bob and the guys.

I got up and went over by her.

"Just come and apologize and everything will be good." I told her

"I'm kind of scared." She admitted

"Don't worry." I assured her

She nodded and we walked over to the table.

"Hi guys ." She said with a unsure smile.

Gerard, Mikey, and Ray said hi back but Bob just rolled his eyes at her.

"I know you guys hate me but, I want to say sorry. I'm really sorry for what happen these past weeks and I just hope that we can maybe be friends?" She asked nervously

Bob stared at her while the others laughed and smiled and agreed to let everything go.
She looked at him and said something to him.

"I'll make sure I personally apologize to your sister." She whispered

Bob nodded.

Finally we were at peace.


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