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Franks P.O.V
She sat down at the table far away from everyone.
I sat at a table with my friends Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Bob.

"So?" Asked Ray

"So what?" I replied

"Isn't that your new roommate?" Asked Ray

"Yeah, sadly." I answered

"She doesn't seem to mean any harm." Gerard said

"She's vicious. She's evil. She's the devil." I told him.

"She's cute too." Gerard says ignoring what I said.

"She's that kid your parents warn you about. Cute isn't what that thing is." I spat

"Frank, maybe she had a rough life." Gerard spoke

"Maybe she's just a bitch." Bob says siding with me.

"You see this is why I love Bob." I gushed
"He understands me."

"You complete me." Bob laughs.

"She looks lonely." Gerard said

"Let's go talk to her."

He gets up and Bob and I groan at the thought.

"She's a rude person ." I warned

"Yeah sure." Gerard says pulling Mikey with him.

He walks over to her and sits in front of her.

"Hi!" He says cheerfully

She looks up at him and doesn't smile.

"Hi.." She replied

"I see that you're here all alone maybe you wanna hang with us during free period maybe?" He asked

She looked at me and I glared at her.

"Yeah I'll hang." She said and put her head back down.
Gerard walked away smiling.

"That's what you call vicious?" Mikey asked

"I swear she's a total demon." I said to them but none of them believed me except Bob.


At free period we were all in Ray and Gerards dorm. I was strumming on my guitar while Mikey, Bob, and Ray played video games. Gerard went downstairs to get the demon girl. I cringed of the thought of her coming in here.
Soon enough Gerard made my worst fear a reality and brought that little shit inside his dorm.
She looked around and was guided to a seat next to Ray.
"You like music?" Gerard asked
Gerard has a bunch of music. Music is our obsession. He's a singer too.

"Depends." She said.

"Listen to this." Gerard said and put one of his CDs inside the radio.

This really sad depressing song came on and we all knew it. Even though it was sad we all loved it. It was Gerards.
When the song finished Gerard had a big fat smile on his face.

"That song was absolute shit." She said and put her feet on the coffee table.

Gerards smile faded into a frown.

"It makes me want to throw up ."
"How could you listen to that garbage."

"Ttthat was my song." Gerard stammered.

"Say you got any cigarettes?" She asked looking at her nails

I looked at the guys and they all looked pretty mad.

"Am I speaking to walls?" The bitch asked

Gerard had a sad look on his face. I felt bad because it was his song. Gerard made that song himself.

"Leave. Just get the fuck out." I said

"Gladly." She replied and left the room.

" I hate her." He said

"It's okay." I said

"We all do too." Ray said

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