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Franks P.O.V

It was her big day. Lilly was going to visit her mother.

We were standing outside the prison.

She looked at me and gave me a nervous smile.
I felt her soft hand hold mine.
Instead of pulling away I let her hand linger there.

We walked in the prison and had to get a patt down and checked.
After that we headed to the visiting room.
Lilly froze in her place and stared at a woman with the same exact face as her.
The woman stood up and covered her mouth in shock.
I nudged Lilly to move forward and she walked slowly to her mother.

I sat in the chair across from her mom and Lilly sat next to me.

"Lilly. You're so beautiful. Look at your hair. Your face. Your eyes." She said in amazement and began to tear up.

Lilly sat there quiet.

"Who's this?" Her mother asked pointing at me.

"I'm Frank, Lilly's friend." I told her and she shook my hand.

"I can't believe you have friends!" She stupidly said

Lilly face palmed herself.

" I know you're mad at me." She began

"I know you hate me for being a stupid asshole ever since your father died. But I hate me too. I hate that I got myself into this mess. I could of been with my baby girl but instead I'm in here paying time." She finished

Lilly looked at her with anger in her eyes.

"Baby girl? All of a sudden I'm your 'baby girl' ???? I wasn't your baby girl when you stole from your company. You weren't thinking about your baby girl then." She spat

"Lilly I'm sorry. What more do you want from me? My blood? My heart?" She asked about to cry again.

"I don't want anything from you. Shit I don't even think I want to be related to you ." Lilly said and stormed out of the visitation room.

Her mother looked at me and began to cry.
I felt so bad for her mother and Lilly.
I tried to calm her down.

"Mrs. Brooks. Please don't cry." I told her.

She shook her head aggressively and left the room too.
I went out to look for Lilly.
I ran out of the jail and looked around for her. She was no where in sight.
I walked down a bit and saw her sitting by a bus stop.
I sat next to her.

"I hate her." She said

"I hate her so much. I don't care if she's my mother. I hate her."

"You shouldn't hate her. I mean we all do stupid things right?" I said

"I can't argue with that. Look at me. I'm the poster girl for doing stupid things." She said and covered her face.

It's like I'm seeing who she really is. Underneath all the bad, she's actually a nice person. I feel like everything that happened in her life kind of shaped her into being this bad person everyone thinks she is.

"We have to be back by 7." I reminded her.

"Yeah I know." She says and gets up from the bus stop.

She begins walking down the road.
I jogged next to her and decided to put my hand in hers and hold hands again.
She realized what I was doing and turned facing me.
My emotions took over my body.

I pulled her close to me and kissed her.

She instantly kissed me back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

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