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Franks P.O.V

I was playing my guitar in my dorm when I heard a knock at my door.
I opened the door to see the guidance counselor.

"Hi Frank!" She said

"Hey Mrs. Martin." I said and put my guitar down.

"Remember when I told you that you're going to have a new roommate?" She questioned

"Yeah." I replied

"Well she's arriving today." She chirped

"Oh cool." I said.

I had this dorm to myself ever since this semester started. Now I'm gonna have a new roommate and its a she. I don't know if that a good thing or a bad thing.

"Her name is Lillian Brooks, try to make her feel comfortable. " she said while she exited my dorm.

Lillian Brooks? Hm nice name.


It was a Sunday so I was outside sitting in the shade watching people have fun. I got tired and decided to go back up to my dorm.
When I opened the door I saw 3 suitcases by the bed to the far right. I peeped my head around the corner and saw a girl with a innocent face. She sat down on the bed and played with her long brown curly hair.

"Uh hi." I said scaring her.

She stared at me for a minute and continued to play with her hair.
Maybe she isn't a talker?

I walked in front of her and extended a hand.

" I'm Frank. I'm your roomate. It's pretty cool because I never had a roommate before and now I do-"

"Listen here chatty, I'm not into the whole chit chat business." She said rudely .

I gave her a rude look. She stared at me satisfied with my offended reaction. I walked away and sat on my chair.

"No need to be rude." I scoffed.

"Too bad. " she replied


"Fuck you."

"Nah I rather not, I'm a vegetarian." I said and smirked

She got up and went in my face.

"Look I don't want to be here. I'm not gonna be here for long. I'm gonna be back home very soon." She chirped

"And I'm suppose to care?" I said

She stuck her middle finger at me.
I rolled my eyes.

"You better start unpacking. Tomorrows Monday." I told her

"Thanks for the update faggot." She said and laid on her bed.

I just met this girl and I already want to punch her in the face.

Maybe it's her period or something.

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