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"Hey you new girl!" Someone hollered

I turned around and a shrimpy red haired girl was in my view.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped

She was startled by my aggressive response.

"Umm. I just wanted to ask you.. How does it feel having your mother in jail?" She asked

How did she know? What?
In my mind I was having a mental explosion.

"Umm." I said

She looked at me and cocked her head.

"I have to get to language arts." I said quickly and speed walked to my first class.

I went inside and everyone stared at me. Iero has like 5 classes with me and language arts is one of them.

"Mrs.Brooks." The teacher called

"Yes uh Mr.Jenson?" I answered

"We were just talking about broken families and not having parents around . Today I found out that one of your parents is in prison. Would you like to share?" He said

I shot Iero a look.

"I rather not." I declined politely

"I strongly suggest you do." He forced
I reluctantly walked to the front of the class room.

How fucking low can Iero go? Him and his idiots went too far now. Even the damn teachers know that my mom is in prison.
I had a huge lump in my throat. I never been afraid to speak to anyone or any large amount of groups. Just when it turns to my mother I cant handle it.

"Umm. My mom is in jail.." I began I stayed silent for a long time hoping Mr.Jenson would send me back to my seat.

"Continue." He pressured

I looked at the classroom .

"My father was drunk one night. He um he wasn't acting like himself. Stress made him drink a lot that night. He said he was going outside to smoke. Instead he took the car and drove it straight into a bridge. And he died. My mom was depressed and she didn't know what to do anymore. She needed money so she decided to involve herself in s big fraud with her work company. "

"So Lillian tell us. How did that affect you?"

What the fuck is he Oprah??

"It affected me pretty badly. I just. My mother isn't my favorite person in the world yet she is. You feel me. I hate her but I love her. I just wish." I stopped myself and looked up.

Everyone was giving me a sad look.

"Why you had to tell everyone? " I said out loud

Iero looked at me.

"Why would you tell everyone that? You think this shit is funny?!" I yelled to him

My voice began to crack.
Mr.Jenson put his hand on me.

"I DONT WANT YOUR PITY. I don't want NONE of it!" I screamed

Tears rolled down my face.
I hurried out the classroom and slumped down by the lockers.
I buried my head into my knees.
I heard a classroom door open.

Whoever it was,was whistling.

"Pfft. Why you out here? Plotting more stuff against us?" The familiar voice said.

I picked my head up with tears down my face. It was Iero's blonde friend.

"Aw you're crying?" He said in the most insensitive voice

"You're fucking weak. Stop crying. You're a bully. Believe me , I know you more than you think. Bullies don't get what they want you dipshit. I believe in karma. And it's gonna get you real good. This is only the beginning." He said into my face.
Iero came out and looked at him.

"Bob just leave her alone okay?" He asked nicely

"Fine." He said and went off to wherever he was going

Iero looked at me.

"I'm sorry Lilly." He told me.

"Fuck you." I said and left.

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