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Lilly's p.o.v

Days turned into months.
Months turned into years.
Life went on.

Though my best friend from six years ago was gone she was with me in spirit.

Took me literally over three years to get over her. With the help from a boy named Frank. I finally realized that I shouldn't dwell on the past. Keep moving forward.

So here I am sitting in a café with the boy that made my late best friend kill herself six years later.

"Do you still hate me?" he asked over and over.

"I did for a long time , not saying what you did to my friend was right but no I don't hate you any more." I explained to him.

He stared at me wide eyed.

"How you holding up?" he asked

"Normal." I said

"You changed a lot ya know. I remember when no one thought you'd grow up to be a respectable young woman." he said

I smiled.

"It still eats at me. As much as I try to move on Lil, I can't. I made someone take their own life and it kills me everyday when I wake up knowing that someone is without a daughter and people are without a friend ."

I could tell he was genuinely sorry and had so much sorrow in his voice it pained me a bit.

I just wish Frank was here to tell me what to do. So weird that after three years of not seeing him he's still on my mind.

"I really don't know what to say." I admitted

He sipped his coffee and looked out the window.

Suddenly a song played on the cafes speaker.

It was a familiar song that brought me back to a place.

Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.

I frowned and thought back to the day I was in Gerard's dorm listening to him sing his song and me being a complete bitch about it.

I was such an asshole.

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