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I turned on my television in the den.
TMZ popped up.

I sat down, put my feet up, and began watching.

The first big story was Lindsay Lohan gone wild.. again

The second big story was the Britney crisis.

Lastly one particular story caught my eye.

"My Chemical Romance's rhythm guitarist Frank Iero is engaged." The TMZ reporter spoke.

I felt my heart beat speeding up.
Wow. After all these years he's engaged.

I turned off my television.

I sat in my sofa upright without saying a word.

Part of me wanted to cry and the other just wanted to scream.
Its been a while and believe me I know. But engaged? I always felt that somehow.. We would be together again. Clearly not.

I put my knees to my chest and buried my face.

"Here I am all alone." I said aloud.

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