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I went to school the next day and there was a new kid. I didn't catch his name but he kept staring at me.

"Jesus fuck Lilly. " Teeny said to me at lunch

"What?" I asked

"That new kid cant stop FUCKING looking at you. " she said laughing

A girl nearby turned and stared at us.

"What the hell you're looking at bitch? " I asked

She shook her head and turned away.

"He likes you. " she gushed

"He's pretty cute. "

"He's hot." I stated

Teeny nodded and continued to pick at her Bologna sandwich.
I smiled as he came towards our table.
I had many boyfriends in my past. A couple actually went to jail. This guy was what I wanted.
He smirked as he saw me looking at him. He threw out his lunch and walked over to me.

"Hello, beautiful ladies." He said staring at me.

"Hi." I said

"Hi, I'm gonna go smoke." Teeny spoke and winked at me before she left the table.

"What's your name?" He asked

"Lilly." I answered

He smiled.
"Beautiful name."

I blushed a bit and we started talking. His name is Todd.

"Hey you know even though I'm new here I hear there's some party going on Saturday..." He began

Shit. This guy was asking me out already.

"You wanna? Like you know go with me ?"

I shrugged. "Depends. I'm a busy girl. " I replied

"Trust me you'll be
busy at the party." He smirked

What? Before I can question him , he said something.

"I'll pick you up at 7 on Saturday." He finished.


I dressed in tight black skinny jeans and my combat boots.
Todd was there at my house right on time.
It was a quick drive to the party. I saw Teeny and I gave her a excited look.

"Hey you want something to drink?" He asked

"Yeah sure maybe a beer?" I answered

He smiled and went off to get me one. He is so cute and sweet.
Todd came back and handed me a beer. I was sipping on it slowly watching everyone dance.

Suddenly, Todd grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me upstairs.

"Where we going?" I laughed

"Somewhere." He smiled

I got bad vibes when I felt him push me into a dark bedroom.

"Todd?" I called out.

"Shhh." He said and placed a finger on my lips.

He put me on the bed.

"Todd... I don't do that stuff." I said sitting right back up at once

"Lilly...." He whined and started kissing my neck

" Get off of me." I said sternly
He didn't move.

I felt his hands tighten around my wrist.

" LET GO OF ME!" I hissed.

I started to kick as he tried to unbutton my jeans . One of my kicks hit him in the throat. He clutched his throat and stared at me angrily.
I got up and walked towards the door.

"You're a pig." I sneered and left the party.


On Monday I was in a pissy mood. He basically tried to make me have sex with him. I went to school and was meaner than usual.

"Where were you, you disappeared at the party." Teeny asked worriedly

I wasn't in the mood for explaining what happened to me so I ignored her.

"Lil?" She called out

"What?!" I snapped

" Oh okay. You're in a shit mood." She said and left me alone.

At lunch a bunch of guys were hooting and whistling at me.
What the fuck?

"What are you shits hooting at?" I asked

"You. Do you think you can do me at the next party? " one of them said laughing

Do him??
I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"And why would I do you?" I yelled loudly in his face

He gulped."Todd said you did him at the party on Saturday."

My eyes bulged out of my head.
I growled and stomped down the hall way.
I saw Todd at his locker with a bunch of guys surrounding him. I pushed them all out of my way.

"You LIAR!!" I yelled

"Babe. Not at school." He said and put a hand in my face.

I smacked his hand away.


He laughed.
"Okay. She actually blew me twice."

I lost all control at that moment. My demon took over me. I attacked him like a devil. I went in with all my strength. He was gasping for air but he wasn't gonna breathe. School security guards pulled me off of him.

" I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I was plopped into a chair and the cock sucker walked in.
The security guard said everything to her. She sat in front of me.

"Lillian. You're in big trouble missy." She said

I was too mad to even retaliate back. I stared at everything else but her. Then the nurse came in and whispered something in her ear.

"Mr. Garret couldn't breathe. He has a black eye and a fat lip." She said to me

" Lillian Brooks you are expelled." She spoke


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