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I wrapped my arms around his neck. This instantly turned into a make out session.
We pulled away and stared at each other.
He smiled at me and I smiled back.
We got on the bus to taking us back.
We linked arms and walked inside and went straight into our dorm.
"I like you a lot Lilly." He whispered

"I like you too... Frank." I whispered back.

I was tired so I went to sleep.


As I woke up, it felt good. It was different from any other days because for once I didn't wake up with the thought of killing someone. I was happy.
I walked down to the cafeteria for breakfast and sat down with the boys.

"Did you hear about that girl in that school?"


"She like killed herself."


I was listening to the girls behind me.

"Yeah, her name was Tina Vermont? Something like that."

That's when I felt my whole world just drop on top of me.
I turned around and stared at the girls that were talking.
I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Are you okay?" Asked the girls

I clutched my chest and began having a panic attack.
Some people screamed thinking I was going to die or something.
I watched as the boys surrounded me and called for the school nurse.

Then I blacked out.

When I woke up for the second time today I looked around the room. I was in a hospital.
I saw Frank sitting in the seat next to me.

"Frank??? Is it true?" I asked in a frantic manner.

"What?" He asked

"That Tina Vermont killed herself?" I asked with my voice breaking.

"Yeah didn't you hear? It was on TV. I think she went to your old school." He said

I stared up at the ceiling.
I started to cry really hard.

"What's wrong?" He Asked while coming by my side holding my hand.

"She was my best friend." I said through my tears.

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