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"LILLY!!!" someone yelled.

I was turning around in circles. I wasn't at Northshore Boarding school anymore I was in the woods by myself.

" Lilly it's me." a familiar voice said

"Teeny?" I asked

"Yeah!" She called out

"I miss you." I said

"I miss you too." She said


Suddenly I woke up. The dream felt so real.
I sat up and groggily walked to the bathroom.
The butthole was standing in the doorframe with no towel or nothing .
My eyes opened wide and I jumped on the floor and took cover while screaming.
He quickly put a towel on and his face was red with embarrassment.

"MY EYES!" I screamed

He looked at me with a real mean look and went into the room.
I took a shower and got dressed for another glorious day here at Northshore.
I waited for him to leave the dorm so I can do my sabotage.
I found the duffle bag. Deeper inside there was a tape. I put it in a little tape player and listened to it.

He was singing this song. It was about someone named Jamia. I was laughing really hard. He sounded pretty bad. I know what I'm gonna do.

I put the tape in my bag and went down to go eat breakfast. I know they hate me for sure now.I sat next to the guys just to bother them.

"Hey friends!" I said cheerfully

They all looked at me with disgust.

"Go away." Said the one with long black hair

"Why?" I asked innocently

"We don't like you. No one likes you." The blond one spat

"Oh." I 'sadly' said and walked to the back and sat by myself.

I laughed and I got up.
I walked to the principals office.

"Hi." I said nicely

"Hello." He greeted

"Can I do the pledge today?" I asked

"Sure thing." He said and smiled

I was ready to begin. I had to wait fifteen minutes though.

Im definitely the spawn of satan.

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