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It was time. Time to go to her funeral.
I was dreading this day for some time now but as Frank told me I had to go for her.
I walked into the cemetery and saw so many kids and teachers from my old school there. I even saw Mrs. Soleto. Everyone stared at me as I walked over to Frank and my aunt.
Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Um Lilly?" A voice said

I turned around to see Isabella Bryar looking at me.

"I'm sorry about Tina." She said with sympathy in her voice.

I forced a smile and pulled her in for a hug which surprised her.

"It's okay Isabella." I assured her.

She was about to turn and leave but I had to tell her something.

"Oh and I'm sorry for all the mean things I've done to you. I'm sorry I made you feel bad." I apologized

She smiled and nodded "Its okay."

She turned away and went back to her mother.
Frank looked at me and smiled.

"That was nice of you." He said putting his arm around my shoulders

"Yeah." I replied back

Her funeral was beginning.
I watched as Teeny's dad was sobbing. I stared at him in disgust because I knew it was all his fault. I also noticed that Todd was here. After all the prayers and the talking certain people had to give speeches. One of them was me.
I walked up to the little podium and cleared my throat.

"Tina Vermont. Tina Bethany Vermont. My best friend. She wasn't the nicest person. She wasn't the best student. She wasn't your ideal girl. She was my best friend. That's what made her special. The only person I can spill my guts to. I miss her so much. She was beautiful,smart and funny. I can't believe that she's gone." I finished and I heard everyone clapped.

After the entire ceremony, Frank and I went back to my house. My aunt was going grocery shopping and she handed me something in a envelope.
Frank and went upstairs in my room.
I opened the letter and I instantly teared up when I read it.
It was her note. Her goodbye note. Saying why she was taking her own life. And I finally knew why.

It turns out that Todd the asshole that tried to get in my pants lured her and said he was different. He ended up going out with her and making her do things she didn't want to do. Then after he told the entire school that she was a big whore. Word got out to the teachers and they called home. Her father beat her so bad she couldn't walk for 3 days. And she couldn't take it any more.

I can't believe it.

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