Error code 5

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I woke up to the sound of a alarm clock that wasn't mine. Fuck. I don't even own a alarm clock . I shot up immediately looking groggily to my far left and saw a figure moving slowly out of its bed. I guess you can say that I'm a compulsive thinker and began picking up pace towards the bathroom which was a long way from the bedroom area. Chatty just seemed to realized why I began moving quickly. He started to pick up pace and soon he was pushing me back and going in front of me.
   Push me? Nope. NOPE. NO. I grabbed his not so long hair and dragged him back. He fell back like a sack of potatoes. I turned to his face and stuck out my tongue. I turned around to run but he tripped me with his legs. I hit the floor and squealed . He got up and went straight into the bathroom.
  I stayed on the floor and banged my hands on the floor.

"Stupid FUCK!" I yelled out to him

"Takes one to know one." He yells from the bathroom.


I looked like utter shit in this dumb uniform. It made me look preppy as fuck. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and groaned.
I had to go to the main floor to the cafeteria and eat breakfast. Chatty butt hole already left. This was a good time for me to do some sabotage.
I went on his side of the room and looked through his drawers. He had nothing really interesting. Maybe I could like steal a pair of his underwear and cut the butt part out?? Oh my gosh.   
  Let's not do that.  I went in his duffle bag that he had under the bed. I opened it to see cigarettes, candy, and pictures. There was one of him I'm guessing with a dog.  Then I saw saw something else under the bed. HIS GUITAR.  I took it out of its case and saw the big letters P-A-N-S-Y. Hmm. I can't do sabotage right now but I won't forget it.
I went down in the cafeteria I opened the door and saw so many people. The entire cafeteria got quiet and looked at me. I didn't want any breakfast so I walked past the food line and went to the back of the cafeteria. As I was walking people snickered and laughed at me. I saw the butthole glance at me and roll his eyes. I sat at a table secluded from everyone else. Soon it went back to being really noisy. I put my head down and banged my head on the table. "Oww!" I yelled
Everyone looked at me as I was rubbing my head.
"What are all you looking at ?" I asked bleakly
"You." Someone yelled . The entire cafeteria began laughing.
Oh fuck. I hate everyone.

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