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Franks P.O.V

I was sitting in my first period class.
It was time to do the pledge.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today we have a wonderful student named Lillian Brooks here to say the pledge of allegiance." The principle said

Ew. I looked over at Bob and made a face.

" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God , indivisible ,with liberty and justice for all." She spoke.

"Before I go to my class I would like to share something with you guys." She began

"Listen to this."

Suddenly a familiar song played. A song that I sang. It sounded like pure shit, I wrote it for this girl Jamia who's in our school. My eyes grew big. Bob looked at me laughing not knowing that it's my song she was blasting to the entire school.

"For Jamia Nelson from the one. The only. Frank Iero!" She said
"Have a nice day."

Everyone looked at me and began laughing.
Bob looked at me again and he tried not to laugh.
My face was pale.
After first period was over I jumped outta my seat to see a crowd of kids laughing at me.
I ignored the laughing and I was making my way to second period.

"YO IERO!" Yelled someone

I turned around and saw Mike, Jamia's boyfriend.


"No I made that a long time ago it's just a misunderstanding." I said

A little crowd formed around us.
Jamia came next to him and hugged Mikes arm.

"Aw Frank that was so cute." She said and smiled

I blushed. "Thanks."

"WOAHHH! IERO IS GETTING A BONERO!" yelled the stupid bitch who should die.

I looked at her and gave her a cold stare.

"Ew you're disgusting." Said Jamia

Then out of no where Mike punched me in the face and left me with a purple eye. My eye hurt like bitch.

"Frank you okay?" Asked Gerard

"I'm fine." I answered and forced a smile.

"She's not getting away with this." Said Bob

He's right. She isn't.
Brooks just started a war.

And I'm gonna fucking demolish her.

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