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Franks P.O.V
I told you that I was going to get her back. Lucky for me is that I have my buds to help me.

"How are we gonna get her back?" Asked Ray

"Hmm." I hummed
"I don't know man."

"Let's snoop on her side of the room." Mikey suggested

I nodded

"Gerard keep watch." I said

He walked over to the door and watched.
I started to snoop through her stuff.
I saw her underwears and bras. I took one of her bras and looked at the size.

"You creep." Bob said

"I'm not a creep I'm just making sure they're real." I laughed

Bob laughed and shook his head.
I put the bra across my uniform and pretended to have boobs.

"Um like does anyone here wanna go out with me?" I asked in a girly voice.

"I know I would." Winked Ray

"Oh Ray." I gushed

We all started to laugh and I took off her bra.

"I'm gonna set myself on fire since I touched that thing." I said

I saw something that caught my eye. It was a letter.
Jillian Giorgio-Brooks???
That's probably her mom.
I took the letter and stuffed it in my back pocket.

"She's coming hurry act natural!" Gerard whisper screamed

I dove onto my bed , Gerard somersaulted across the floor, Mikey darted by my night stand, Ray dropped himself on the floor and Bob just stayed where he was.

"AJSGDJSBSJZIBDBD..." I said randomly

She came in and stared at us.
She walked to her side of the room and sat on her bed.

"Can you guys get the fuck out?" Brooks asked rudely

"No this is my dorm too." I argued

"I'm not moving." Said Bob

She shrugged and began unbuttoning her uniform shirt.
I stared at her in complete horror.. Or maybe not but.
She revealed a black lace bra.

"Umm." Bob spoke

"Alright guys lets go." Gerard said with a uneasy voice.

She stood there and looked at us.

"But I don't wanna leave anymore." Mikey said

"We have to go." Gerard said

My eyes were glued to her. Gerard pulled me out the door.

"Woah." I breathed

Then I remembered what I had in my back pocket.
When we went to Bob and Mikey's dorm I sat on Bobs bed.
I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Lilly,
Hey. You must be saying wow what do you want? But I just wanted you to hear me out. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for putting you through pain knowing that your mother is in jail doing time for a crime. I just hate knowing that I missed out on so many years. Whatever you do.. Don't be like me.
Yours truly,

Holy shit.

Her moms in jail???
This is major sabotage.
Hahaha if only her mother knew that she's slowly becoming like her.

"Guys." I began

"I have a plan"

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