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I walked with Frank back to our dorm.

"I want to get a tattoo of everything on my body ." He told me.

"Everything?" I asked

"Yeah. Getting one or two tattoos is basic as fuck. I'm gonna get tattoos everywhere." He explained

I smiled and opened our dorm door.
I groaned.

"I'm tired." I said out loud.

I began unbuttoning my blouse, exposing a white undershirt.

"Frank I want to change my skirt, can you-"

"Yeah." He got the gist of it.

I quickly changed into sweatpants .

"You can turn back now." I told him
He turned around and smiled at me like idiot.

"What are you smiling about crooked teeth?" I joked

"Your face, crooked smile." He said

"What I have something on my face?" I began worrying.

"No. You don't." He said to me

"Iero stop trying to play me , seriously what is on my face?" I asked

"Nothing. There is legit nothing on your face." He assured.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"Why don't you call me Frank?" He smirked

"Because you can't call a fuckboy by their first name." I explained.

"I'm not a fuckboy." He argued

"You're a fuckboy indeed." I chirped

"Then you're a fuckgirl." He declared

"I guess you can say that." I joked

He came close to my face and whispered in my face.

"You can be my fuckgirl." He said in a seductive voice.

I laughed and push him off my bed.
He laughed along and ran his hands through his hair.

"Iero you have nice eyes." I confessed

He stared at me. He blushed and smiled.

"You're really beautiful." He softly said

"Iero don't even." I said swatting my hand away and getting up from my bed.

I don't know. Frank was hot. I admit it okay. I'm just afraid. Guys and I don't mix. I never had a guy friend. I never talked to a group of people like a human being. It was weird and new but I like it a lot.
Suddenly, the dorm phone rang.
Iero picked it up and looked at me.

"Um Lilly.. Your mother is on the phone." He told me.


I hurried over to him and put the phone to my ear.


"Hi, Lilly honey? It's me mom." A weird but familiar mother answered

"What do you want?" I asked coldly

"I miss you." She said to me

I looked at Iero who was biting his nails staring at me.

I pointed to the front door and he left.

" I uh miss you too?"

"I want you to visit me." She told me

" I'm in boarding school I don't think they'll let me just leave and visit my in prisoned mother." I said matter of factly

" I already talked to your aunt and she worked something out with the school." She explained

UGH. I don't want to visit her......

Okay I do. But I'm scared. I'm really scared.

"Um when is our visit?" I asked in a shaky breath.

"Sunday." She told me.

"Mom I have to go." I lied

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone and stared at the wall.
Iero came in and sat next to me.
He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Visiting her huh?" He pondered

"You listened?" I asked not even caring.

"Yeah." He admitted

I decided to ask for a big favor.

"Can you come with me?" I asked looking into his eyes.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah. I will." He promised

Thank god.

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