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Well they called my aunt to notify her that I was expelled.
She waited in the car and didn't talk to me the entire drive home.
When we arrived at our house I got out and went straight up to my room. I went to sleep for the entire day. I didn't eat anything.
The next morning, I woke up and went downstairs. I saw my aunt staring into space at the kitchen table.

"Lilly." She called out gently

"What?" I asked annoyed

"We need to talk." She said.

I groaned and sat across from her.

" I promised your mother...." She started

" I promised that I would take care of you and not let any harm come your way. Lilly, you're getting out of control. You're too old for me to discipline you , but too young for me to kick you out."

"What are you implying?" I asked her

" I know what you do. I know you smoke, drink, and all these things that are bad. I want the best for you..." She said before I cut her off.

"What are you gonna do??" I asked. I was suddenly scared.

"I'm sending you to a boarding school." She said slowly. It was quiet for a moment. She let it sink into me.

"Where?" I asked gritting my teeth

"New Jersey." Callie replied

" I'm not going." I refused

I got up and began walking up the stairs.

Callie came behind me and grabbed me and pulled my face towards hers.

"LISTEN TO ME. LILLY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I CANT WATCH YOU GO DOWNHILL!!" She screamed. Her bottom lip began to quiver.

" I want you to be the very best. Face it . I'm your guardian whether you like it or not. You are my niece. My sisters daughter. My family. I'm not gonna let deteriorate in front my own two eyes. " She cried. She began sobbing.

I took a deep breath. I cleared my thoughts and decided to do something that might do me some good.

"Fine. I'll go." I said

She smiled at me and hugged me.

"When's the big day?" I asked

"Next week." She said while wiping her face.

I have a week. To gather my thoughts and say bye to people I actually like. Scratch that the only person I like.


I said bye to Teeny. I gave her a big hug at the airport.

" I'll send you something." She said.

"Don't forget me, Lil!" She chirped.

I looked at my aunt. She stared at me with glassy eyes. I gave her a hug too. "Remember to use the money to get a taxi to the boarding school!" My aunt said. I nodded.
Then I boarded my plane to New Jersey.
It wasn't a really long plane ride. It was like 2 hour flight. I went into the airport waiting area and went outside. It was kinda chilly. I hailed a taxi and told him the address of the boarding school.
Im honestly very scared of this boarding school. I'm not usually scared of things but I have to start all over again, I have to meet new people.
Even worse I'm gonna have a roommate. Thinking about this is giving me major chest pains.
I put my head down and closed my eyes.
Take a deep breath and let things come easy..
I'm gonna find a way out this.

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